170bb deep bvb spot
Posted by Cosme Fulanito
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Cosme Fulanito
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Mid Stakes
170bb deep bvb spot
Villian folds too much on BB vs SB steal so std open.
I think flop could be a 3bet but I wanted to keep some random bluffs on his range.
On the turn, is it ok to shove? I can't find a better hand to turn into a bluff.
I block 22, T9, then I would suppose he 3bets pre 99, TT. Also I dont think many 9x will raise flop as he can call and have SDV. As I played I can have all 9x, and also the shove will make some Tx to fold. He can call me with some big draws I guess.
Is this too spewy?
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He defends 30% vs SB open btw
Spew, he will almost fold no hands, that he vb turn with.
Call seems standard, you beat plenty of draws/floats.
ok, so why spew if he values 3 combos of sets and 4 combos of 9T and the rest are draws? so you are saying he never bets with draws here?. And isn't the river too scary for me? that I will be folding a ton?
is it feasible that he bets the turn with 22,99,T9s,KsQs,KsJs,QsJs,8s7s,8s6s,7s6s,T9o?, some times he will have 99 or TT, but some times he 3bets. so I count only 1 of them. He needs to defend 23% of the time vs my shove and my equity vs that range is 34.09%.
If I run the math to know how many folds I need I came up with:
EV push = folds* pot + calls(finalpot*equity - risk)
EV push = x(111.29) + 1-x(688.68 *34.09 - 265.77)
EV push = 111.29x -31 +31x
31= 142.29x
x= 22
I need 22% folds, am I confused?
If he 3bets 99 and TT as he should IP deep, equity goes up to 37.19 and I need 8% folds only
But maybe call turn fold riverEV > push river EV?
really bad turn shove, just call. mysterio is a bad aggro but still a thinking player. he would underbluff this turn card IME b/c he doesn't bother to bluff enough on turn/river cards that weaken his perceived range
so i have no problem with just over-folding turn based on that. although you have really sick blockers with ur exact hand
Mysterio is aggro? He's a huge nit.
He either has T9 or a draw, so you're either shoving him off some equity, or getting it in with 0% equity.
Nick/Chael, we are discussing a generic villian that folds too much on BB vs SB steal so std open. No reason to discuss mysterios tendencies - bad manners AND its pointless since everyone would have a lot of different views + much more interesting what to do in the general spot.
Yeah I understand that and I think it's totally valid. But I personally don't mind if they do adjust because they will often over-adjust and it becomes easy to exploit again.
Thanks everyone for his opinions, so what I am reading is that this is a big mistake vs this type of player. So what about vs a solid good reg, is this viable?
On the turn, is it ok to shove? I can't find a better hand to turn into a bluff.
block 22, T9, then I would suppose he 3bets pre 99, TT. Also I dont
think many 9x will raise flop as he can call and have SDV. As I played I
can have all 9x, and also the shove will make some Tx to fold. He can
call me with some big draws I guess.
Barring a specific read I wouldn't expect too many villains to be raising 10x on this texture so turning your hand into a bluff on the turn isn't really targeting many (if any) hands. Also, when picking hands to bluff with on the turn I think we should be more concerned with equity vs their calling range rather than blockers and think more about blockers on rivers.
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