16z - bluffcatching this river ?
Posted by Rick Rath
Posted by
Rick Rath
posted in
Low Stakes
16z - bluffcatching this river ?
Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players)
BN: $17.10
SB: $30.54 (Hero)
BB: $19.54
UTG: $16.53
MP: $21.07
CO: $16.00
SB: $30.54 (Hero)
BB: $19.54
UTG: $16.53
MP: $21.07
CO: $16.00
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
BB wins $12.38
Rake is $0.58
Rake is $0.58
villain was an unknown 2 tabler
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I Think is a good fold, He probably check the hand with showdown value and i dont see many bluff.,but i would have bet the turn.
I think you are good on R , he can have 22-99 and on the R and since he don't have showdown value he bet ,some miss Fd like 56s,87s,89s etc if he's a fish or become aggro with A to throw you from a split ,he should bet any 10 on T or AA ,i would shove T(66,AA,108s-10As the only hands that beat you) , as you played i would bet 40% pot R and fold vs raise.
This is roughly the range I'd put him on pre
Hence I much prefer a bet on the turn to get value from AQ and JJ. I'd check QQ to protect my range. AA isn't great as a check as it blocks AK which you want him to have as he may turn it into a bluff. River is probably a call. He's easily capable of bluffing with 88-99 or AK. It depends what hands you're checking turn with (and what your pre flop range is). If KK is your best hand then you have to call. If you can have many better hands then you don't have to call
agree with you guys, that not betting the turn probably was the biggest mistake in the hand.
i thought i will only get 3 streets against AQ and i will more likely get one more street against 88, 99, JJ when i check turn and delay my second bet to the river. i would then have bet/folded.
but this river is really gross without any information on villan. but thinking about it, i agree that river is still a call even if he wont jam his AK combos.. he still has to jam 88-99. but i´ve also seen people just check back / give up with those hands at this stake.
at the end of the session i had a few (85) hands on villain and he was playing 17.5 / 8.
kinda meaningless sample but probably enough to say that he wasnt a spazzy whale and had most likely the type of a range that Mitchell put together.
Flop bet is quite big for my taste and probably a mistake as far as I can tell. I would go for a smaller sizing, planning on playing a 3 street game.
Gets weird as played. Probably a turn jam.
agree, that makes the spr quite awkward.. i would have bet smaller against a regular, but given villain was unknown i exploitable sized up.
as played, you check call the river ?
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