$1/3 Live, Leading small on turn
Posted by CampKins
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Mid Stakes
$1/3 Live, Leading small on turn
1/3 NLH Live @ Bellagio. 9 handed. $4 max rake. One reg sitting directly to my left. Hero has been sitting in for ~2 hours.
Current hand: Hero is in cutoff with effective stack of $355. Folds around to action guy in HJ who limps $3. Hero over limps $3 with As5s. Button (aggressive reg) raises to $20. Blinds fold. Initial limper folds. Hero calls.
Th5h3h (Pot $43)
Hero checks.
Button bets $30.
Hero calls.
Turn 5c (Pot $103)
Hero leads $25.
Button raises to $125.
Hero jams all in for $305.
Button folds.
After reviewing the hand, I have trouble with the turn decision. My initial thought was to lead at this turn card. As played, when I get to the turn, my range consists of nut flushes (no better than AhTh), two combos of A5s, three combos of A3s, three combos of 33, and one combo of 55.
I developed a leading range here on the turn that consists of my A5 and A3 combos for small sizings. And I would check call the rest of my range.
My questions for the hand:
Is my pre flop limp/call too loose / losing?
Thoughts on my leading range on the turn?
Should I lead a bigger sizing?
Is check raising a better alternative?
Any comments appreciated.
First post on RIO. Thanks
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i prefer iso raise HJ with A5s
as played, i call preflop
on the flop, i just x/f; sometimes i'll x/r in bluff, but i don't see the point of calling
don't like it.
raise pre
call flop
I wouldn't c/r flop having Ax though
love the detail
A5s does well versus tighter and looser ranges (as it retains equity) but I still might just fold OOP given that we are oop versus a big raise. Live these raises are massive and we really can fold like a lot and he cant autoprofit and expliot us. I would generally only call if this is multiway. Given the fact it mantains equity versus tight ranges, i might even limp/3b as this is a great hand to do it with (its slightly too weak to call and does fine when called).
As played, I think flop is closer than people think. Its just very hard to get to showdown and win unimproved. Turn is solid lead, as you wont have much 5x and its decent expliot to do this as induce when playing live. But i am definitely just calling the raise. I dont think many people expect you to lead and then jam small over that raise with a hand like QhJx
thanks appreciate the thought-filled response
@fivebetbluff I don't owe you anything. If hes just looking for line check and the majority of ppl agree with what someone says then he can feel better about hand.
don't get why some people feel so entitled.
i just think if you are gunna bother, break down the spot. simple stuff like you said make it seem like you dont think thru ur decisions with depth or precision or you just wanna write something short and without effort
yeah I just grumpy sorry.
however disagree with you saying its hard to get to showdown and calling/raising ott vs raise is for sure spewy.
IMO limp/calling is a bad strategy in general in low stakes live games. I've been having success lately by cutting that play out almost entirely (exceptions for large multiway pots of course).
limp calling pre in live games can be fine in right situations.
Simple raise pre to like 15 to iso vs lp limper
As played I'd prolly just cf flop-
Also wouldn't lead in this spot on monotone board after cc
Completely fine with limping A5 suited, it keeps worse flush draws in that might fold to a raise that you can flush over flush. When you raise and flop an A its an awkward position since most of the hands continuing are gonna be better Ax. As for this situation you're hands probably too weak to call preflop oop headsup against an aggressive reg. You're gonna be check folding far too often on missed flops and when you flop an A you never really know where you are. For live play, limping the A5 suited is definitely ok imo for the above reasons though.
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