1/2 HUNL facing river c/r
Posted by Swoop
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Mid Stakes
1/2 HUNL facing river c/r
SB: $202.37
This hand is from HUNL Zoom, which I hadnt played in a few months. Villain and myself were the only two players in the pool at the time and we were playing two tables for about 50 hands so far when this hand occurred. I knew villain and had about 900 hands on him from 5-6 months ago. He is/was a reg and was defending his bb 72% with a 3bet of 13.8% (I´m not really sure if 3bet is part of the vpip_sb stat in hem and therefore has to be substracted).
I was running pretty good early in the match and was already up quite a bit barrelling a bunch etc. He was adjusting by widening his calling range as he was giving me less and less credit. He insta-shipped the river here after I bet and I was a bit flustered. Maybe he realized that I rarely have Kx here and that I was value betting thinner because he was calling so wide. Sets and straights are of course possible as well. I really felt he was getting fed up with me, but that doesnt really discount his value combos. I´d really like to hear some thoughts on how you guys approach these kinds of situations and how you play this and this river in particular.
Thanks in advance.
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I think this should be folded. Going for calling 100% w/ bluffcatchers because you're suspecting he's trying to exploit you is probaby not the best decision. I mean you will have a bunch of 2pairs, sets, you will have some Kx too(K5,K7, K8 some other random). So If I thought he might overbluff I would start calling with more borderline hands first, and this is kind of the bottom of your range. Also, note that you only need to defend 1/3 of your range.
can u clarify the action pf? did he lmp? why is he acting first postflop from the sb in a HU match?
does his pf range include 88?
what are his x/r tendencies otf and ott?
any history w his snap timing?
@ Will Winaton
makes sense and I agree that this might be in the bottom 20% of my range here for 3 barrelling. Knowing this how should we construct our range then? Fold all bluffs/missed gutshots etc and 1 pair hands and start calling 2pair+? Seems like doing some math here is in order.
@ schifty1
You´re right the hand history is mixed up. I was the button/sb and villain was in the bb. Cant seem to be able to figure out what went wrong. The HH is correct when I try to edit it.
His pf range might include 88 or at least some combos. I´m not sure if he was/still is 3betting 100% of pairs. I only have his overall 3bet %, which is kind of low tbh, which would lead me to believe that he is in fact not 3betting all his pairs. Flop chk/raise is 3% over 950 hands, turn I would have to dbl check as dont have that stat in my hud. Fold to 2nd barrel is 25% though over the whole sample. Fold to 3rd barrel is at 50%. I dont remember anything in regards to the snap shove, just wanted to add that in. Kinda seemed like he was planning to do that from the start should I barrel off again.
I don't play a lot of headsup, but I would definitely make a sim for river in crev with my assumptions to see if it's even +ev to 3rd barrell this hand. If you think he's about to start bluffraising rivers it might be better to just ch back thin vbets, but obviously it depends on a lot other things too. Also cool thing to take a look at how river looks like with gto ranges(since there's a free solver in crev).
Snap fold. Will's right that you're at the bottom of your range here, so there's no need to defend this. This is a spot I'm probably exploitably folding quite a large portion of my range. I don't think this player type has much (if any) bluff shoving range on the river.
Not sure about your river sizing, you`re targeting the weaker parts of his range and villain is not capped.Your range is pretty wide and you have quite a few bluffs, so the way to effectively maximize the EV of your range is betting smaller imo.
Agree with Will fold as played.
I dont have a lot of experience with crev, but will definitely take a look. I cant really see this hand being a snap fold though. For me it was a real close decision. I hated not having any blockers to his value combos ofc, but I also had not lost a showdown up to this point and he was calling pretty wide now. I didnt wanna loose value against his 8x or even 6x combos that I could rarely see him folding.
My sizing on the river was exactly the same as the last 3-4 3 barrels to not give anything away in regards to the strength of my hand. I just didnt wanna make it like $25 all of a sudden. Im not sure if he would play his weaker 2pair combos (84, 83, 64, 63) like this, but I still think this is a fold in retrospect. There is really no need to be calling that wide even though it would suck folding that hand the river is a pretty clear bet/fold to me (now).
In game I called and he ended up showing A7o for the missed dbl float, but I also dont think he is bluffing often enough for this to be a profitable call. Im sorry, but I cant seem to be able to "unhide" the results of the hand without having his name revealed which I dont wanna do. Thanks for the input guys.
fold 99-QQ, call 55-77
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