1/2 heads up zoom - tough river spot w/ trips

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1/2 heads up zoom - tough river spot w/ trips

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (2 Players) BB: $362.70
SB: $287.44 (Hero)
Please note that for some reason the HH converter gets the positions wrong. Hero should be in the BB here.
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is SB with K 4
BB raises to $5.30, Hero calls $3.30
BB should be SB and vice versa.
Flop ($10.60) 4 8 J
Hero checks, BB checks
Turn ($10.60) 4 8 J 5
Hero bets $7.28, BB calls $7.28
River ($25.16) 4 8 J 5 4
Hero bets $20.00, BB raises to $75.00, Hero
The call breaks even at 31,4%.

Hi there,

I played this hand against a reg. At this point there werent that many ppl in the zoom pool, which is why we played quite a few hands together. This hand occurred about 150 hands into the session (against villain). He was opening 90% on the button so far and had a cbet of 67% on the flop.

At the time I was thinking he must be of the opinion that he can rep flushes and straights here after checking the flop to credibly raise the river. I am not sure that he would even be raising good trips and even straights. River raising ranges seem to be rather polarized towards flushes and total air in there spots. At least at 1/2. Any feedback would be very much appreciated.


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UpUpAndAway 9 years, 11 months ago

I wouldn't be able to fold here. As you said, it's unlikely he has many flushes or straights in his range since he didn't cbet flop and straights wouldn't raise the river anyway. His hand therefore seems super polarized to me as 54 or a high spade bluff so I would call alteast this trip combo that doesn't block his bluffs.

SPrince 9 years, 11 months ago

He can have a bunch of flushes since hero will x/r the flop decent %.
Dont think hes polarized at all when raising river, in fact i think he has very few bluffs.Definitely doesn`t have high spades often b/c his K-Axs are most likely barreling flop with intention of triple barreling on a spade.

Jhuntter 9 years, 11 months ago

I agree that depending on villain he is not necessarily as capped as UpUpAndAway thinks.

Since 54 and 55 are the only full house combos he could have I just started wondering that if we could turn our hand into a bluff and GO ALL-IN. Maybe it's too extreme move?

Swoop 9 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for the responses so far.

@ lbey33
My turn bet is certainly debatable. My intention was to protect my hand from six outs on the turn and maybe get a slightly better hand to fold on favorable (perceived draw completing) river cards.

@ SPrince
Why do you think he´d check is value range on the flop a lot of the time? I can imagine him doing that with some combos (as I would consider to do so myself), but I dont see a c/r from hero as much of a threat to a good part of villain´s value range.

I see people playing the As or Ks this way, forgetting of course that they´re trying to make hero believe that they would play a good part of their overcards + flush draw combos on the flop that way. Until proven otherwise I am not convinced that people do that very often. On the other hand his would be reasonable play as it makes it harder for hero to take the pot away from you.

thegrinder12 9 years, 11 months ago

GTO wise we can never fold this hand. Dont know what are good blockers. If we have a spade we block his valuerange, but also his bluf range. So I think blockers are not that important in this spot. If thats the case I just call the top of my absolute range.

(turn stab makes no sense to me)

Swoop 9 years, 11 months ago

Turn is debatable for sure, but why does it make "no" sense to you? Have you considered my reasoning? What´s your play on the turn? Check/fold seems to be the only other option as chk/call just leads to folding on basically any river other than a 4 or K.

Swoop 9 years, 11 months ago

Hey Raphael, can you provide us with your reasoning for chk/calling turn and river? Do you mean any river (my guess would be that you dont) or the specfic river in the hand in question?

Check calling the turn here with no backdoor flushdraw and just 4th pair seems pretty off to me. I´d really like to hear your thoughts. In my opinion we would just be calling to fold basically any river other than 4 or Kx.

Rapha Nogueira 9 years, 11 months ago

Turn you have enough showdown to call but doesn't have enough equity against a good portion of his check back range range to bet. Calling river or not, depends on his bet sizing.

If his strategy is to bet twice with As/Ks/Qs hands, then you probably can x/c twice on a good variety of rivers. If he is using this strategy then you x/r turn with any non showdown value gutshots and bet non spade rivers.

If you have showdown value against this strategy x/c turn is very likely to +EV and river x/c is probably not making tons of money and you certainly have on your range better hands to call.

If he is betting QsTx on J84ss5sT then you probably can x/f rivers. To deny equity EV to this strategy you can put on your turn x/c Jx with one spade that keeps you protected more often.

Paired combos with non spade needs some protection on this board but including K4s on your betting range leads a room for you to be too exploited by him putting tons of money with unpaired hands with a spade OTT and bluffing you on 90% rivers if you decrease your river x/c frequency to K/4, being one of the K a spade.

Swoop 9 years, 11 months ago

By simply calling the turn I set myself for playing the guessing game again on the river. Unless he is betting ridiculously small on the river I dont see myself getting the right price for calling turn and river with bottom pair king kicker. Also, unless I have seen him do so a few times, there is no way of telling how he would be playing his AsXx, KsXx hands.

Good 8x hands can easily be bet on the turn and river here if I am villain which is why in my opinion it´s c/f or b/f on the turn.

I dont see him really putting in tons of money against my turn play here as I am playing range here and there is also no way for him to know that I´ll be playing K4 this way unless a similar hand went to showdown (which I dont recall at this point). If he does adjust I would have to do the same and check an improved range to him on the turn.

Rapha Nogueira 9 years, 11 months ago

By simply calling the turn I set myself for playing the guessing game
again on the river.

It is unavoidable to play "guessing games" on incomplete information structures. I just meant to show how exploitable is to bet K4s there and how often you are not pushing equity when he also have 55-77/8x/99-TT.

midori 9 years, 11 months ago

I don't play much NLHE these days, so please take my words with a grain of salt.

Turn bet seems a bit iffy. I don't expect too much FE on this turn, so we shouldn't have too many hands that we just bet the turn and give up river. You could say you can barrel turn AND river with this hand, but we don't have any relevant blocker, and we would have so many other hands that we can do that with (or even bet turn and x/c or x/r river with). Whether you bet turn and give up or bet both turn and river with this hand, it's not really hard for villain to exploit your strategy.

Yes, you will be playing a guessing game on the river if you x/c this hand, but well, you are pretty much at the bottom of your range, and sometimes you just can't avoid tough spots with those hands.

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