[10NLZ] Not an interesting HH, but do you bluff this spot often?
Posted by ChaoRen123
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Low Stakes
[10NLZ] Not an interesting HH, but do you bluff this spot often?
Hi guys, this spot is not interesting, but I would like to know if you are used to bluff it often. Villain is a weak reg, the kind of pretty tight player that won't make crazy hero calls.
So we have about 30% against his range. If we check back the river, our EV is about 13,64$.
Let's assume we are bluffing pot and that he calls all of his 6x and 8x, folds thrash hands, ace high etc: we need him to fold 50% of the time, and in fact he will fold 71% of the time. With that, bluffing a PSB OTR's EV is about 13,72, so 0.08$ more EV than checking back.
So I think I should bluff 100% of hands when I have about 35% EQ- in this spot? Is this the right kind of adjustment versus bad regs in micros? I working on my redline these past few days, and I would like to know if this is the right approach to fix it.
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You should focus on telling your opponents credible story. Checking two streets to bet pot on river completely doesnt make any sense and its very likely that villain will call if he has any showdown value. Also if you are playing vs weak reg then sometimes your A high will take pot vs his Q/J/T high.
Anyway I think its just better to bet flop. You have backdoors and bad player will have problems playing wide range(as he should in BB).
when ev of checkback is 13$ in 0,65$ pot you printing money like a boss haha. But seriously just bluff river normal size, don't mind checking flop even though I prefer bet but don't think it is bad check.
I am basing my calculations on final stacks after the pot ^^
Thanks for your advice, it is true that betting more than 2/3rd pot doesn't accomplish a lot versus this profile. Was taking this sizing as an example tho
The best way to boost your redline here is just to bet flop and deny him equity on a board that favours your range. River bluff looks good if you check back flop, he folds better a high which is enough. Wouldn't bother about making it a larger sizing, i don't think you get any more fold equity and hands like 77, 6x and 8x don't want to bet a large sizing.
Definitely agree with that. Denying equity a lot more is something I try to incoporate more and more into my game, and I saw a lot of changes on my NSDwinnings these pas few days, so that is a very good piece of advice...
I agree with Jbarez and frontdoorbackdoor : versus a reg who does not defend blinds so much or who is weak, you should c-bet this kind of board with full range (2/3 pot), all the more as your stealing range hits such a board more than the villain’s defending range.
With a dry board like this and a full range cbet, 2/3 pot bet suits better than 1/2?
You can also bet 1/3 pot. Actually, the sizing is a little secundary in this context, since you have enough FE on such a board for the reason I mentioned above whatever the c-bet sizing.
I'm thinking what you guys said. If villain isn't defending bb so much he will have stronger range otf so we have less fold equity, and about betting flop it is not boosting our redline-> so we bet flop, check turn (well our hand is sucks to barrel 4 and 5 are not nice turns, only backdoor fd) and we snap fold vs river lead
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