[10NLZ] Line check, TT in a 3bet pot oop

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[10NLZ] Line check, TT in a 3bet pot oop

Hi guys, villain is a regular, is this line ok in general? Thanks :)


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ethanrox 6 years, 4 months ago

EDIT: Disregard the following :)
The problem I have with this is, that you are telling him exactly what you have, unless you are balancing this a decent amount with AK. So, you are capping your range and make yourself very vulnerable to later streets - Not loving the situation.

ChaoRen123 6 years, 4 months ago

Can't really undersand what you mean by this. If we have a checking range OTT, TT seems to be the perfect hand to check here. And for the sake of balance I would much rather check A4s-A2s type hands than AK here... Betting with TT here is just pure waste of EV imo.

frontdoorbackdoor 6 years, 4 months ago

Tempting to x/r this on the river with the diamond blocker vs his small sizing to make him fold weak Ax but depends on your reads of the player pool whether they'd be folding here. x/f is the standard low variance line though

ChaoRen123 6 years, 4 months ago

Don't think I would rep any other hands than A2dd or A4dd, seems a bit optimistic against a 10NL pool here. But who knows, I might be wrong ^^

VIPR 6 years, 4 months ago

This is kind of opponent dependent. There are some players who I know will play fit/fold on the flop and in those cases I'm reluctantly taking your line.

There are other times where my opponents will play back at me. Against those guys I tend to check call 1-2 streets and see what happens and sometimes they show down with KQ, T9, etc.

Then there are times where you can bet flop, and barrel turn heavy and get the player to fold anything below top pair or FD.

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