10NLz - B/C or X/C OTR? 3bpot
Posted by Mancuso
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Low Stakes
10NLz - B/C or X/C OTR? 3bpot
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $10.00
SB: $18.50 (Hero)
BB: $11.48
UTG: $14.18
MP: $13.32
CO: $29.36
SB: $18.50 (Hero)
BB: $11.48
UTG: $14.18
MP: $13.32
CO: $29.36
Hero is SB with
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Unknown villain.
I was thinking about 25%~40% psb otr.
I don't know if this blocking bet OTR is too vulnerable, since the population doesn't tends to raise bluff the river too much.
Other line I considered was CB the flop, CB the turn and XF the river, as well.
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I like betting turn our hand is quite vulnerable.
As played rvr don't mind mixing vbet and XC
I ran this similar spot in gto plus.
The solver went for 3 barrel in this specific board.
betting ~50% psb OTF
~75% OTT
Shoving the river.
Man GTO plus is a sicko I couldn't 3 barrel shove TT here even if I was a homeless man who needed that $10 from A9 for my first beverage of the day.
As played I like the C/C line on the river, it allows V the opportunity to bluff. If you put out a 25-40% blocker bet, you only get called by 9's and raised by hands that beat you.
I also dont see me playing TT for stacks here!!
What worse hand will call a river push?
In a theory land, villain will have a lot of weak pairs and missed backdoor flushdraws, T8s...
My guess would be that villain is supposed to call almost all pairs on the river in order to not be exploitable (certainly most 9x, so basically all A9s, K9s, Q9s, J9s, T9s, 98s).
Also, it's probably pretty important to note:
1) againts a tight preflop range and tight flop and turn call ranges, 3 streets with TT becomes pretty bad. In that scenario you're supposed to play really aggro before the river, because villain ends up overfolding on all streets but river.
2) You don't need 50% equity when called, it's a bit less given the value of decreasing villain's options.
I'll pio this spot when I get home to make sure my thoughts are correct.
Yes, Samu.
I agree with you.
Do you know if there is a way to modify/build a tight postflop call tree in gto plus?
I have no idea, I'm only using PIO :/
Bet bet x/c seems legit to me here
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