10NL Zoom - KK spewy call or correct?
Posted by bassdewd
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Low Stakes
10NL Zoom - KK spewy call or correct?
SB: $23.19
BB: $15.90
UTG: $30.11
MP: $10.89
CO: $11.50
Please correct my thinking patterns if they're incorrect. I think that's the most valuable rather than just telling me I'm a noob for making a mistake.
This hand was played at 10NL Zoom. We have 0 hands on CO. I have no idea if he is a fish or reg, but at least he had over 100bb and he open raises a normal size, which makes me lean ever so slightly towards reg / tag.
Standard 3bet for value facing an open from the cut off. I always 3x the open in position when 3betting.
We have the options of 5betting all in or flat calling the 4bet. I decided to flat call since I've seen some steal / re-steal dynamics in the field with weak hands. We want him to continue bluffing with those weak hands. Also this sizing looks A LOT like AA & KK or an airball. I would often expect a slightly larger size with JJ-QQ & AK given that those hands are more difficult to play post flop.
If we 5bet, we're getting it vs a narrow range, which we could also stack most of the time on some runouts given stack to pot ratio and being in position.
The dreaded A. We really have to call. I don't see any point in raising or folding. We would put him off bluffs by raising and only get it in vs Ax (and some rare draws).
We get some more equity with a backdoor flush draw. This card also gives villain some opportunity to be bluffing with a single diamond, although we are beat by Ad, we block Kd, and Td is on the board. We also block a lot of his AK valuehands with two kings. I don't see him showing up with many AQo here. I'm also aware of the fact that we've under-repped our hand preflop. We look a lot like 88-QQ & AK sometimes. 88-KKs are normally folds facing two bets on A high boards.
Villain decides to bet 7$ into 9$. In 10NL. Given the stack to pot ratio, I would expect villain to check to me to give me an opportunity to bluff a lot of the time (70%+). The diamond turn card certainly is the perfect opportunity for that. He can still bet the river if I check back.
Some nutty hands would also bet small on the turn to jam the river, pricing me in with draws or getting me to call with weak hands.
Given everything, I decided to call the turn all in. Right now I'm leaning towards a call, but I'm really unsure. What are your thoughts on this hand?
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What is your 4 bet flatting range?
Flatting KK is totally fine ranges I use mix calling the 4 bet and 5 bet jamming this spot.
3 Bet range I gave the CO AA-JJ,AKs,KJs,AKo-AQo,[75.0000]TT-99,ATs,KTs[/75.0000],[50.0000]AJs,A5s,QJs[/50.0000],[25.0000]88-77,A9s,KQs,JTs,AJo,KQo[/25.0000]
Vs. That range and the 50% flop bet 100% of KK combos call the flop, on the Turn, with the K of diamonds solver says its a call as well. This is vs a GTO 4 betting range with the right amount of bluffs etc.
If we give the Villain this range AA-JJ,AKs-AQs,AKo, KK plays the exact same. Solver approved. Which is totally against my gut, I thought Turn would be a fold.
My 4bet flatting range heavily depends on a variety of factors.
Such as
- villain 3bet/4bet/steal frequency
- 4bet sizing
- my position
- villain's position
- villain CB % / bluff tendencies
I really do not have a standard 4b flatting range. I'm quite happy to get in AA or KK preflop ~100bb deep in most spots.
I never 5bet QQ or worse unless I have a very strong reason to do so.
I think I would flat 100% with AA and KK here. Vs MP instead of CO, I would probably 5bet.
I honestly don't like looking at GTO 4 betting ranges. GTO doesn't apply in 10NL. I think villain never 4bets hands like AQ, AJs, KJs, 99-TT.
Turn is me somehow. Most of a 4bettingrange (bluff/value) contains some Ax. We also block a lot of other bluffs like KdQx/KdJx...otherwise not too much offsuutcombos in his range i expect. Same goes for SCs usually. So i dont see many bluffs in villains range....explo fold?
Hi, I'd slow-play AA's here more generally since they're less vulnerable, KK's i'd just shove pre. I agree though that calling KK's in this spot is ok :)
As played, I'm inclined to fold flop. The sizing is huge (for a 4bet pot) and both his 4bet for value and 4bet as a bluff range is heavily weighted towards Ax.
Preflop is for shovings.
Flop is close.
Turn is a sick spot. Messing around in flopzilla, I think this is a good spot to exploitatively fold. Villain basically needs to be bluffing a decent amount to make this a call
this hand probably starts to mix fold on the flop against a perceived range that is underweighted to preflop bluffs and when they do have bluffs they have a lot of Ax combos, their flop sizing is larger than a solver would prefer as well...turn you have to fold, just don't have the equity to call against what is likely a range lacking in bluffs
Pre is a pure 4bet. Turn is problematic because you block his bluffs such as KdQx. I think V is prob not finding almost any bluffs so fold. Also flop is pretty close.
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