$10nl - turn line 3bp?
Posted by Fleetttt
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Low Stakes
$10nl - turn line 3bp?
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
MP: $17.39
CO: $19.49 (Hero)
BN: $11.09
SB: $10.20
BB: $11.35
UTG: $10.40
CO: $19.49 (Hero)
BN: $11.09
SB: $10.20
BB: $11.35
UTG: $10.40
Hero is CO with
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What do you guys think about my turn line here vs unknown?
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I think our hand plays better as a call on the turn. Villains primary bluffs are AQ and AJ and againts those we're better off shoving bluffs that benefit more from getting folds from those hands, so I'd consider shoving a hand like Q8 with hearts or diamonds.
Yea I was wondering what to do with my range here ott. Apart of me now thinks I should have a call only strategy ott?
Like call my Kx, some big Tx, my nutty hands like TT, 99, KT, K9, T9 and fds then just fold wiffs to 3 barrels and decide how much to bluff when he checks?
I mean, I don't think my range is stronger than his, especially since most regs are more linear from SB and tend to do a lot of checking with hands like AA, AK etc ott.
If he was loose enough pre and barreling like crazy I could maybe develop a raising range since the EV of my range will go up when I jam?
A perfect robot would probably have some raises with some 2pair+ and bluffs, maybe some KQ type of hands aswell, but I'm guessing that it's not that big of a deal in terms of EV. It really comes down to your opponent and what node in the game tree is the one where most mistakes occur.
In general, you should play pair + FD hands as if you didn't have the FD (except that you get good pot odds). So, calling is better on the turn. If you jam, you aren't going to get much better to fold. And worse hands have very little equity against you, so you want to keep them in. Also, you want to do more calling IP.
From a GTO perspective I'm pretty certain that you call here due to the SPR, there's very little raising in 3B pots. This is because the money is going to go in anyway, particularly when you are in position and also raising undermines your ability to use your positional advantage. Yes this does mean that OOP can essentially "barrel through" flop and turn to realise all of their equity but that's just a feature of their strong condensed range which has a lot of nutted combos that you are missing (AA and AK are essentially the nuts at this SPR). In simpler terms when there's so little behind why guess whether your draw is going to hit now when you can call and only put that money in on the river when you're good? This also allows you to see villain check to you on the river so you can bluff when they show weakness rather than when they've just gone 3 bet, CB, CB - is that really a range that you're excited to bluff them off? How about compared to their range after they 'give up' on the river?
Now all that said there are some reasons to raise in terms of equity denial and I think if you are going to do so your hand would have been one of the better draws to use because it benefits to some degree from folding out dominating flush draws however now that you've paired up that's not such a problem as Kh and Th are on the board, QhJh is a straight and the nut flush is rarely going to triple barrel so you've got some showdown value against it and don't really benefit from folding it out as much as you would if you had 6h5h. I think this is maybe better with the nut flush with a weak kicker because you really benefit from folding out AJ/AQ. I think using this hand to bluff has more merit if you're deeper because you're kind of clearing out the flush draw so that if it hits you know you're good but still I think I'd just call in position and look to play some rivers (especially as some of the NFD combos are combo draws which won't fold so it may give you a false sense of security).
Is that a standard call pre? I would want a somewhat active 3bettor to call here (esp. considering rake) which the 10NL population usually isn't?!
Yeah I would probably advocate folding with this hand preflop because of rake and passive tendencies of the micro stakes population.
I would also tend to fold pre.
Seems fine. You Defently want to have jams on this turn. Jamming sets makes sense when the river Will almost allways change the board, to deny your equity.
Cloose defend preflop, But i do prefer defending low suited hands before AJo QKo etc.
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