10NL - Shove vs fish in 4-way 3b pot
Posted by Mancuso
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Low Stakes
10NL - Shove vs fish in 4-way 3b pot
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
UTG: $13.74
MP: $10.23
CO: $13.91 (Hero)
BN: $12.55
SB: $11.21
BB: $16.61
MP: $10.23
CO: $13.91 (Hero)
BN: $12.55
SB: $11.21
BB: $16.61
Hero is CO with
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SB: 46/18 (1k hands)
BB: 49/30 (1k hands)
BB donkey bet 35%
Shove, call or fold?
imo a fish tends to slowplay monsterhands, unless he is protecting baby flushes maybe?
I don't want to give him or other players the opportunity to look the turn card.
Is a bad shove here?
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Tough spot, if we had the King of hearts this would be a super easy snap shove, but without the K of hearts I think we are put in a very tough spot.
Seeing a turn card doesn't really hurt your hand that much, I mean if BB flopped a flush you are dead, if he flopped a straight you are also pretty dead, so there are not really that many bad turn cards (most of them are already on the board LOL) so I dont hate calling, looking at a turn card, and see what BB does, if its a brick and BB shoves hes probably going to get our whole stack, but if its a heart or a broadway card we can probably fold and get away from our hand.
By shoving we make lots of hands that are marginally worse than ours but that are going to put money in the pot fold and we give such an easy route for better hands than ours to get our whole stack.
Would love to hear your thoughts tho!
never gii there, with your info, ill just call flop and see what happens, but yeah tough spot
Is shoving bad 'cos we're gii vs hands we are behind?
And calling may be a way to stack him off with his bluff/crap hands aswell?
when he call your shove, you are not in a good situation, especially w/o the Kh
and yes you answer to your question!
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