10NL AA river fold?

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10NL AA river fold?


Villain 65/10 fish. It's probably my biggest leak. I just can't find the fold button on the river in general. Perhaps check/call river? How hard is to fold after he raised me on the river?

All comments are much appreciated! :)


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hkabir200291 7 years, 5 months ago

As played bet flop and turn. Check calling river is the best option....but you decided to bet and when villian shoves i dont see many bluffs in this spot. Based on villians stats i expect him to show up with KJ, K2, K6 and K7 too often.

innovation95 7 years, 5 months ago

Yes, when I looked at it objectively it was a clear fold. But bet/folding isn't that bad IMO, he will not bet with non 2 pair Kx but he will call with it.

hkabir200291 7 years, 5 months ago

Villians range seems draw heavy omcd we bet flop and turn and he just calls. So i like a check there to allow him to bluff river i think. I could be wrong be interesting to see what others think8

fefe.p 7 years, 5 months ago

first of all, I would bet bigger vs a fish like this. can´t go wrong with a large bet on flop and turn, don´t see any reason to check. OTR i would look at villain stats to see how agressive he is and try to find out how likely he is to bluff missed fd´s, but would be inclined to bet 2/3-3/4 pot and fold to raise, unless I know he does some really weird stuff. If you think he bluffs missed draws and bets Kx for value, I am on borad with check calling this hand, blocking AQ only and no Kx. If that isn´t the case, I think he has plenty of worst hands that will call a bet, and I would prefer that. After you get raised, your hand is purerly a bluff catcher, even vs such donk, and I find it extremely unlikely he will bluff raise a hand with sdv, so his only potential bluffs are missed hearts, AQ and QTdd (wich all would be terrible bluffs btw, excepct maybe AQ ), but from his passive stats I doubt he bluff raises any so I prefer folding river

fefe.p 7 years, 5 months ago

I think AQ would be a good bluffing candidate for blocking villain's value hands (AA, AK) and unblocking most draws (hearts mainly). You want to pick hands that block his calling range, not his folding one

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