10NL 3bet pot AA vs Flush board
Posted by MungGae
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Low Stakes
10NL 3bet pot AA vs Flush board
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $11.76
SB: $13.07
BB: $10.00
UTG: $23.74
MP: $9.05
CO: $10.15 (Hero)
SB: $13.07
BB: $10.00
UTG: $23.74
MP: $9.05
CO: $10.15 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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First, I didn't worry about the Flush draw, since I have block As, there is low possibility that villain would call 3bet with Kxss or Qxss. However, here is micro-stake. people are willing to call.
IMO, I should check back on the turn and re-evaluate. there is no reason to make pot big.
On the turn, I don't think I can get value from worse hand than AA here, so make pot smaller.
Optimal play is check back and see the river card and call vs villain's bet if spade doesn't come on the river.
Any suggestion please?
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this will also help you you to get thin value OTR by 88-TT as your line looks inconsistent.
check back turn , bluffcatch river it's a good way i guess...
Also im overbetting/potting flop sometricky times without Aspade:X :D
My reads here is that people defend really capped to pairs here , and I dont see A lot of AK,AQ in his range with our hand ... also i dont see many folds with overpairs and on any turn they feel commited...
I think checking back ott is ok but I don't see the problem with GII now.
You didn't give any stats so i'll assume he is reg and most regs don't (read shouldn't) open 55,22. So we have set of 7s, set of Js and crappy flush that we are afraid of.
Then we have QQ+ we beat. I think what we get is this?
Edit: This is speculation of his range and I am quite tired so it might be a bit off :D
Yeah, checking back turn seems the best option. As played, you probably should fold getting these odds and the fact that villains range is flushes and sets
Preflop and flop is quite standard.
On the turn, it's quite dicey. I think I like betting to get value from 66-TT, QQ and maybe a slowplayed KK now OTT because if you check this turn and spade hits the river it will kill the action. You can consider betting turn and checking back most rivers however I think that'd be quite conservative, AA with the nut blocker is too strong here+ people at the lower stakes are quite stationy. When he shoves I think some players will shove TT, QQ and maybe a AJ he floated the flop with but he can easily have a set or flush here.I think it's reasonable to defend suited broadways to a 3bet especially at these stakes, you block a lot of flush draws though however I think it's still think he can show up with a flush here at a medium-low frequency. I don't think you can get it in good OTT however your hand is just way to strong to fold with the NFD. Checking turn isn't bad but IMO it's on the conservative side, it however allows you to catch bluffs and get value from worse pairs OTR.
Overall I think you can go either way checking or betting turn. In lower stakes generally speaking people are stations so I would probably lean towards betting to get max value and obviously calling it off, and I'd probably go for value on most rivers.
The way it looks to me is he either had JJ, small flush, or something like J with Ks kicker. What did he have?
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