10nl 3bet pot.

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10nl 3bet pot.

https://www.weaktight.com/h/5f2968c1d390430d118b4578 villain is playing 24/19, open mp 17, fold to 3bet in mp 32%, flop fold to cbet 3bet 35, fold turn 61, wtsd 29. What do you think about my bluff against a villain like this? My main reason for bluffing is that I block AQ, I dont block 88-TT witch is my main target to fold with the river bet.


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RaoulFlush 4 years, 7 months ago

Not a huge fan tbh.
In general i dont like 3betting AJo vs UTG/MP, but esp. this guy seems to defend decently pre and OTF.
So i would usually fold pre.
As played: Qhigh boards connect a lot better with a 3betdefendrange than A/K-high boards. So i tend to not CBet whole range if they have 2 connected cards on the side and are twotone. So if i would bet here, i would usually go for 1/2.
But im also more tempted to check the flop as Villain isnt folding light OTF and the backdoors of your holding run pretty thin without a heart.
I guess if your sample is not too small barrelling the turn is ok (even if its a pretty bad card rangewise and for your hand) as we can attack his not too strong range here.
But if Villain is folding sooooo much OTT then i think shoving river here as a bluff is an expensive mistake. His range gets basically too strong OTR.
In general this looks all a bit too aggro to me

Tir-X 4 years, 7 months ago

Huge overplay, you don't need and shoudn't be doing stuff like that to beat the stakes - and tbh it's not a good plan postflop overall, no matter the stakes.

Check flop. This is a good flop for him, look at an average UTG range. Almost anything can call. KQ, AQ, pocket pairs... Even AK will float. If you're thinking "okay but I'll get him to fold those"... Don't follow that instinct, it'll cost you a lot of money. He has a reasonably strong range, flop has low fold equity and you don't have backdoor draws = give up.

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