10/20: Superweird KK
Posted by hurricane562
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High Stakes
10/20: Superweird KK
UTG: $5496.06
HJ: $19111.38
CO: $2030 (Hero)
BN: $6585.80
SB: $2274.82
BB: $2226.09
HJ: $19111.38
CO: $2030 (Hero)
BN: $6585.80
SB: $2274.82
BB: $2226.09
Ok this hand bothered me a lot today and I still have no clue how to approach this spot
I was at least 6 hours on the waitinglist for this game and was several times offline in between but somehow got to this table.
UTG is a solid reg who opens quite a lot from ep and plays pretty straight forward postflop.
HJ is the fish at this table; unknown but from china :D ; (he somehow managed to get a 20k stack) hes playing like i said for at least 6 hours and most chinese guys like to 3bet pre and dont like to fold to 3- / 4bets; they also like to barrel postflop. this is pretty speculative though, since i only see his country and his sick stacksize.
BTN is in this game for at least 6 hours too. he plays really aggressive and loose play (i havent decided yet if hes too aggro or really good, but definitely annoying to play against)
I was at least 6 hours on the waitinglist for this game and was several times offline in between but somehow got to this table.
UTG is a solid reg who opens quite a lot from ep and plays pretty straight forward postflop.
HJ is the fish at this table; unknown but from china :D ; (he somehow managed to get a 20k stack) hes playing like i said for at least 6 hours and most chinese guys like to 3bet pre and dont like to fold to 3- / 4bets; they also like to barrel postflop. this is pretty speculative though, since i only see his country and his sick stacksize.
BTN is in this game for at least 6 hours too. he plays really aggressive and loose play (i havent decided yet if hes too aggro or really good, but definitely annoying to play against)
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG raises to $43, HJ calls $43, Hero raises to $200, BN calls $200, SB folds, BB folds, UTG calls $157, HJ calls $157
UTG raises to $43, HJ calls $43, Hero raises to $200, BN calls $200, SB folds, BB folds, UTG calls $157, HJ calls $157
3bet is pretty std, but i dont know exactly what BTN's coldcallingrange there is (is it like TT+, AQs, and maybe AK to get the fish in, or like every pocketpair and like JTs?) note that hes quite deep against the fish and utg
(4 Players)
UTG checks,
HJ checks
Ok what are your plans here???? b/f against the regs and stackoff against the fish??? or is the stack to pot ratio to small to find a fold?
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From a theory standpoint, I think its doubtful that BTN ever has you beat here (33, 44, 55, AA are very unlikely, A2s and 67s are simply never there, I think he has AK or QQ- tbh) and since HJ is the player the game's built around, I don't think you should be folding to him in this spot if it ends up being just the two of you. It would be nice to check this flop, and let the action unfold but 16 cards ruin your day on the turn. And like the boa constrictor said, with 800 in there and 1800 left, its hard to play this hand defensively for both reasons. So I think this is def a bet to start with. If you had AA in this spot, I think you could check it one time.
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