100nl sb vs bb river decision

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100nl sb vs bb river decision

UTG: $113.65
HJ: $106.80
CO: $118.20
BN: $260.30
SB: $135.40 (Hero)
BB: $106
Bb is a reg 23 18 , 3bet vs sb 18% , call open bb 16% , sb fold vs bb steal 47% , bet vs missed cbet ip 82% ,Wtsd% 28 on 15k hands .I play almost every day with him ,probably my image is agressive .I'm c/r as pfr 7% and i open 33% from sb .
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt Q A
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to $3, BB calls $2
Flop ($6.50) 6 Q 4 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BB bets $3, Hero raises to $9, BB calls $6
I know he is not calling with PP because i've seen him 3bet with those ,so his range for bet call should be one pair+ ,fd+(probably with nut fd will stackoff) .
Turn ($24.50) 6 Q 4 9 (2 Players)
Hero bets $20, BB calls $20
River ($64.50) 6 Q 4 9 7 (2 Players)
Hero bets $103.40, and is all in
I have 74$ and the pot is 64 .I don't like betting something like 25 or 30$ because looks weak and a good reg might exploit me (probably not at 100nl ,but who knows ) and i think i will miss some value .Not to mention that a shove looks more bluffy than a half pot bet .

It is resonable to think that he might call with almost any Q and thus my shove is +ev ?


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Forbes M 11 years, 11 months ago
I think your losing more value doing this than a smaller bet against a reg, sure you might get the odd crying call from KQ but any queen I think is a stretch and even then I think KQ is probably folding your probably even folding AQ given your line it just looks so strong.

I really don't see him calling with anything worse though and essentially your turning your hand into a bluff to get him off AQ.
BigFiszh 11 years, 11 months ago
Unfortunately this is one of the hands where bad betsize planning on the flop ruins our strategy (no doubt, I´m guilty of that myself more often than not). A potsized raise on the flop would´ve been 15.50, s your x/r on this sem-coordinated board is really small. Had you made it like 12.5, the pot on the turn had been 31.50, so you had bet like 27, making the pot on the river 85.50 with 63.50 left.

It´s always amazing how small changes in betsize changes the entire situation - especially as Villain in your scenario was correct in calling with a flushdraw (due to implied odds) whereas in my scenario he wouldn´t.

As played, seriously, I´m not sure, I guess shoving is too thin, betting smaller with the intention to fold (I know it sucks) or even x/f (depending on his bluff% at the river, but with 28% WTSD% I would expect him to take his showdown value more often than not!) would´ve been better, imho.
James Hudson 11 years, 11 months ago
If you think villain's range for bet calling the flop is one pair + and flush draws you probably don't want to overbet the river with a one pair hand when the flush hits. He's going to have a tough time calling down now with weak Qx and you're no longer even sure that AQ is the best hand.
From02Hero - 11 years, 11 months ago
important point was mentioned alrdy: betsizing !
still i think even if u had about a potsize shove left, shoving would be close.
imo this is a lot dependent on your reads about villain. do u think he`s capable of turning some made hands liek weak Qx into a bluff once u check the river?
i don`t see too much of a bluffing range we can rep here once that heart hits the river. another important point though if u guys have kind of an aggressive history is u having the Qh. i don`t see too many possible flushes in his range since we block all those Qhxh combos and i would assume he`d fastplay most of his nfd kombos and his kombodraws like 85hh,53hh. so putting all this together i if he`s capable of turning his hand into a bluff in such spots i would also consider x/calling.

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