100NL Interesting 3Bet Pot UTG facing SB Squeeze
Posted by calfanboy
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100NL Interesting 3Bet Pot UTG facing SB Squeeze
SB: $124.59
BB: $104.77
UTG: $220.56 (Hero)
MP: $83.12
CO: $51.91
Rake is $2.50
3Bet pot in 100NL vs Regular on Stars
+1 and CO were both massive fish so i think pre flop flat call is pretty standard
Personally think SB is a competent regular
Flop is pretty gross imo, think we cant get three streets vs villains range anymore basically ever
I think we can mix it up between betting and checking with AAh which is what I normally do in a 3bet pot SB vs UTG ranges
but in this case i think checking is better because SB was squeezing vs my utg range and two massive fishes so his range is has no bluffs and gets rid of some thinnish hands because his sizing was massive
Which means his range would more frequently show up with QQ(removing bluffs and weaker hands like AJs AQo, and KK/JJ should not pay off 2 streets.)
Turn gets really tricky... Was trying to get value from KK, pretty sure i play some QQ the same way too
ugh i dont know just a very weird spot to get check raised imo
but villain snap checked flop and snap check raised turn making me believe he is super strong,
also think he knows i am capable of checking behind AA on the river if he just calls and he may think I may not have Ah so some rivers kill the action
I think KK wont play like this coz that is so stupid so i think his range is super polarized, and given how awkward the spr is made by his raise i think there should not be bluff heavy if any
But how sick if villain was bluffing with AQ or KQ that would be sick
Any comments are welcomed, thanks
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Why you bet this hand if you bet fold it? I don't see sense in it.
With AA without heart I will definitely bet. With AA heart I like ch. But we have all AK with one heart so we will bluff bet them. So any QQ/AA should be value bet I guess, about KK I am not shure.
Also if he have nuts why he ch/r it so large and take you out pot? He can ch/r to 50-55$ and have correct jam river. As for me this sizing is weird.
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