100NL Ignition Facing Large Flop Raise 3-way w Overpair

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100NL Ignition Facing Large Flop Raise 3-way w Overpair

Hero Raise KhKd HJ to 3bb
CO Recreational calls
Bttn Recreational Calls (playing around 50%/7% over a very small sample of like 24 hands)

Flop Q53 two spades
Pot = $9
Hero C-bets $6
CO calls $6
Bttn raises to $24 and has $50 behind


Really just curious as to what other people think about when approaching this situation

I Basically just thought that it kinda sucks to be raised here because the 57% he is calling will contain things like Q5s, Q3s, 53s, 55, 33. But on the other hand, he can have FD's, combo draws, and AQ. And with the amount of money in the middle after his raise ($45), I decided to just stick it in for the $74. I suppose if he was deeper, I'd start calling more, and with a hand like KsKd, I would be more reluctant to stick it in, but I suppose it might still be a jam. A hand like AsAx might start looking like a fold because it blocks AQ and also NFDs that play this way.

Hope to here some insightful comments :)


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Jeff_ 6 years, 2 months ago

Would go broke here, definitely not exciting spot and need some kind of reads/postflop information to fold for me. Yes he have all those value hands you mentioned, still there is possibility of draw or air bluff which wanted just to take it down right now.
If he is like 74bb deep postflop, I don't want to call vulnerable hands.

Pokerlogical 6 years, 2 months ago

I jam flop vs rec but vs a reg im folding flop.

Just the fact that he can have so many flushdraws and AQ makes me want to go broke here.

Dschrengost 6 years, 2 months ago

You can't just fold KK here vs a reg to a single raise imo. Way too weak. So you're folding basically your entire range here and only continuing with sets and nfd? If so villian can raise any 2 here and print money

Dschrengost 6 years, 2 months ago

Yeah I play 100nl on ignition also and I'm always getting it in here vs this player. They show up with all kinds of crap you beat here.

Kinda sucks CO is still in the hand though. Full stack? I'm probably still just jamming here though

Jbarez 6 years, 2 months ago

Kinda unfoldable. If he has 55/33 so be it , but 50 VPIP player can show you there random queen or weak draw so I' not thrilled but I'm not folding there. He is short, you are OOP and his raise is huge so I think going all in on flop has more merits than calling and letting him hang himself on turn.

belrio42 6 years, 2 months ago

I would jam flop here as well. The only slight wrinkle is that calling could keep CO in the hand. (you can jam safe turns).

But it's probably better to jam flop.

Ryan 6 years, 2 months ago

Okay. I jammed flop and he shows QTo lol. Main reason I posted was I was not confident what to do before seeing his hand.

Another player I respect advocates a call here to keep in the player behind. Anyone like flatting and evaluating turn?

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