100NL Flop Check Raise
Posted by foldnowpls
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Low Stakes
100NL Flop Check Raise
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
BN: $164.99
SB: $106.21
BB: $128.56 (Hero)
UTG: $45.22
MP: $124.03
CO: $42.36
SB: $106.21
BB: $128.56 (Hero)
UTG: $45.22
MP: $124.03
CO: $42.36
Both players are regs with MP running 23/17 and opening 16% from this position. Button is quite loose and aggro so prob flatting quite wide in this spot.
Hero is BB with
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Closing the action do you think call here with 23 is profitable?
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Now I am not sure about my play here on one hand we block 22 which has some relevance and we definitely have more 7x hands than the other players and by check raising here we represent a lot of strength. I think we would want to raise 7x here at least some portion of the time and aside from weak flush draws we dont have any other real bluffs but could be better to not have a raising range on the flop and delay this till the turn.
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If just one player called I think i would have continued to barrel as we can put pressure on flush draws and over pairs that continue on the flop but when both called I decided to abandon that plan. Am I just trying too hard taking lines like this?
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Final Pot
BN wins $85.12
Rake is $2.80
Rake is $2.80
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I would make it larger since we're deep and very polarized. Also would prefer a combo with backdoor or potential to make an overpair on the turn (ie. A2ss would be better).
I just think 32cc has too little equity to justify in this spot, even if our blockers are good. People don't like to fold overpairs.
We don't need to win the pot very often for this to be B/E call. $1.74 / $6.98 so 25% only. I guess this will be player dependent on postflop skill on whether we can win the pot at least this much.
I think its probably close between call and fold pf. There is reverse implied odds to consider when we make a flush or straight here but I dont know how to consider this in a calculation.
Post - I dont like to continue here at all. With such little equity I think folding is always best here. I personally dont CR flop almost never. I might want a bckdr 65s or T8s type hand to CR rather than a sole weak pair as a pure bluff. Barelling this hand might be spewy
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