100NL Bluffing Four Straight Board in 3 Bet Pot

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100NL Bluffing Four Straight Board in 3 Bet Pot

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players) BN: $372.29
SB: $116.96 (Hero)
BB: $100.00
UTG: $175.78
MP: $104.70
CO: $101.80
Not played much with villain but seems like a decent player running 23/21 and 3 betting 8% or so.
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is SB with A 7
4 folds, Hero raises to $3.00, BB raises to $9.00, Hero calls $6.00
Slightly loose but against someone three betting reasonably wide think it’s a good defend.
Flop ($18.00) 8 9 T
Hero checks, BB bets $10.31, Hero calls $10.31
This board hits both our ranges fairly well and as a result I don’t expect him to have much pure air but would include a reasonable number of draws and some pairs we can potentially bluff him off on various run outs. Near the bottom of my range because of the reverse implied odds so maybe should just fold here and I don’t think checkraise is good as I don’t think he folds too much after cbetting and we just isolate our hand against the top parts of his range.
Turn ($38.62) 8 9 T Q
Hero checks, BB checks
We pick up fd and he checks back. Epect he checks here with a lot of medium strong hands with sd value and give ups. Maybe very occasionally some jx combos but not sure.
River ($38.62) 8 9 T Q 5
Hero bets $31.00, BB calls $31.00
On the river we need to be checking the majority of our range as we are just bluff catching against his straights but if we do decide to lead some jx then it seems reasonable to have some bluffs and this hand is pretty much the bottom of our range.
Final Pot SB lost and shows high card Ace.
BB wins and shows a straight, Eight to Queen.
BB wins $97.82
Rake is $2.80

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