100 NL Zoom - TPTK River fold
Posted by DH2012
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Low Stakes
100 NL Zoom - TPTK River fold
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
BN: $143.64
SB: $100.00
BB: $100.00
UTG: $113.73 (Hero)
MP: $136.41
CO: $100.00
SB: $100.00
BB: $100.00
UTG: $113.73 (Hero)
MP: $136.41
CO: $100.00
villain is a reg 27/19 over 255 hands in my current database. I know him more as an MTT player though.
Hero is UTG with
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This is probably a standard spot but I still like to hear about my sizing and everything. I felt in the moment b/f on the river is the best line. He doesn't really get here with much air. I felt with this line I get the most value from KJ/QJ. These are the only hands I can really beat here. I guess given that there are so much hands he can have here that beat me, maybe there could be a case for c/f the river. It just feels super weak to me to c/f TPTK here. But we are beat by 33,77,88,99,TT,89s,JTs,T9s,Q9s,K9s,A9s. Don't know if he really flats all these hands pre but on the BTN it certainly seems possible.
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xF seems best to me. He has a tonne of better hands than AJ on this river and few which are worse (and even fewer which are worse and still call). I think nearly everytime he calls hear you are beat.
Also your sizing just seems weak, and so he is more likely to play back at it i think.
I'm not sure we're meant to be betting this turn with any hand, villain's range seems very strong. x/c turn and x/c bricks seems like it should be a better line to take given my opinion of our ranges.
I would x/c turn & x/c on bricks. ( x/f this river ).
As played x/f.
I don't think AJ has three streets of value on this texture. I'd check OTR to x/c against most bet sizes
What do you expect him to bet that you beat if you check river? I think its a xF.
bcuz he can bluff since your bet bet check range is capped
x/f is ok, but he has very few 9x on his range (9combo J9s/98s/T9s) to make this a fist pump x/f.
he should be raising J7s/77/33 prior to the river, also. I don't think his range is super strong and he can raise 2p OTR for value since your bet bet bet range is uncapped. I guess he turned smth into a bluff on this one. specially because you split your range with this river sizing
Yeah river seems too optimistic, x/f better.
Floats probably raise turn, youre gonna have some give ups here so dont expect him to vb weaker Jx too often or turn it into a bluff.
I'm in the x/f river boat also.
Way too thin for a river bet. Might x turn as well
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