10 NLZ, AK , with some draws missing on river. I have top pair.
Posted by Xsecutor
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Low Stakes
10 NLZ, AK , with some draws missing on river. I have top pair.
In my oppinion I should shove turn, what do you guys think?
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In a vacuum and GTO-wise i guess you played the hand fine.
Exploitavely i guess we should be folding OTR for two main reasons:
1) Its a onecard straight on board and ppl tend to slow down here with both: value and bluffs usually. In this case we should also have some straights in our range.
2) We block the NFD + AJ/AQ which sucks decently.
Shoving turn sounds interesting. I guess blocking the NFD could favor this move, because we might take this line with AJcc/AQcc sometimes and Villain might herocall with worse without having the Ac himself....we also block AA....
Why not 4 bet preflop? There was a video by Mikahail (innerpsy) I watched where he does shove turn in this spot and was up against a combo draw that called off. I think this is just an overall dangerous flop and prefer to raise to protect my equity. I am not worried about letting people continue to barrel, as a lot of their bluffs will turn straights or 2 pairs and we are in unkown land, so I like a flop raise and turn shove. I am definitely 4 betting preflop though BTN vs BB.
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