[10 NL Zoom] Villain potential bluff river?
Posted by heobay
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Low Stakes
[10 NL Zoom] Villain potential bluff river?
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $10.15
SB: $14.04
BB: $12.94
UTG: $26.53
MP: $10.62 (Hero)
CO: $11.11
SB: $14.04
BB: $12.94
UTG: $26.53
MP: $10.62 (Hero)
CO: $11.11
Hero is MP with
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Villain use time bank and then shove. I think there are a lot of bluff here but can't call. Do you think it should be a call here?
Final Pot
UTG wins $5.80
Rake is $0.27
Rake is $0.27
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Looks more like QQ to me. I would prefer to check the turn. Maybe you get him to fold a better pocket but overall I think you do the value betting for him.
Thanks, now I think check the turn is better. My bet in the game is "for protect" but maybe it's not good.
Looks like he has 3X or 87 and maybe was trying to figure out a bet size to get most value, but in any case, as played this is an easy fold.
Villain played cc on the flop. Doing this with 87 would be creative.
I think Villain maybe have set or 2 pairs. But if that the check on the river is more reasonable. The straight is less likely because I have 8 blocker.
You didn´t post stats so I assume he´s an average reg. I don´t see him opening any 33 or 3x utg, 87s is unlikely due to your hand and I cant think of any combo that he would choose to bluff (maybe 77 which is on the bottom of his range if he´s a little bit looser pf), seems more like QQ.
AQ, KK or AA wouldn´t raise turn or shove river. Maybe fold turn? Your hand shouldn´t do very well vs a range that probably include only sets, so I don´t see any value in defending vs his raise.
Check turn. Getting raised here is a small disaster that can be avoided. You really only beat bluffs. You have 4 clean outs. He has QQ here in his range, 87s much less so. Honestly, an 8 could get you in trouble here some of the time vs. QQ or 87s or A7s (very unlikely, but I can see an OOP float with BDFD). Seems weird, but its better to barrel with 33 here than it is with 88. You will have 22% equity vs. KQ, TT here with 33 and only 13% with 88.
I also prefer to check OTT. As played I agree with jp_carvalho about folding after his raise.
I would have played it the same - but after reading the coments I get it that it would be bettter to just check turn.
As played up to the turn.... caling is fine because only a very little part of his overall range has any value on that board.
River is an easy fold.
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