10 NL AA Facing Turn Check Raise
Posted by TrynaGrind
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Low Stakes
10 NL AA Facing Turn Check Raise
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $10.30
SB: $15.33
BB: $10.00
UTG: $10.43 (Hero)
MP: $13.46
CO: $10.62
SB: $15.33
BB: $10.00
UTG: $10.43 (Hero)
MP: $13.46
CO: $10.62
Hero is UTG with
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Final Pot
SB wins $4.48
Rake is $0.21
Rake is $0.21
When villain check raises turn, I think hes polarized to hands that beat one pair, and strong semi bluffs. So I think his range here
is 22(3 combos), 55(3), 57suited (3)
and his semi bluffing range is something like
34 suited (not sure if he plays this) (4 combos) and maybe Qxdd
What are your thoughts? What do you think is my best action here given that I am getting 3 to 1.
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I would call the turn and re-evaluate the river. He may x/f his missed draws OTR and could be value betting worse OTT, like KdQd, AdQd
I'm bet/folding all the way. I don't think this is a draw that often, it's more likely that he has a set or 2pair.
Maybe you can exploit some villains by folding this turn but overall I think it's too weak to fold this turn. I mean, our bet/call range is QQ and 55 (I don't open 22 UTG so that would be my range)? If we are folding this often we can get really exploited on this and other runouts by a thinking/aggressive opponent
I don't care about being balanced at 10nl. If villain has a range that crushes me then I'm folding. Obviously if I had a read or I'm playing against better opponents then I'm calling but against an unknown I'm happily folding knowing that he almost always has me crushed.
And if he's bluffing, good for him, I'll take his money in other spots. :)
Agree. Especially vs a SB overcall I'd expect 22, 55, 77, maybe Q7s, maybe 75s like always.
It's also super tough to come up with reasonable semi bluffs which don't involve pretty light flop floats or turning decent made hands absolute-wise into bluffs, both of which I'd consider as being highly unlikely at NL10.
I also think this is a clear turn decision because he's going to bet the river like 90% of the time if you call turn. What exactly do you want to reevaluate there, especially on blank runouts?
At 10NL i'm folding this most of the time without reads, also given the SPR i agree that he will bet most of the time, so you will end up calling the river on blanks (which doesn't help you because you will be beat 95% of the time) and you will fold (despite the good odds) if also a draw hits, so you won't be happy with any river.
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