$10-$25 Live, two strange turn spots

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$10-$25 Live, two strange turn spots

Hand 1:


Fishy player who opens wide opens $100 from MP. Tight old guy flats from CO, I flat from BTN (fishy player had been responding very aggressively to 3bets).

Flop: QhTh6d. Fishy player cbets $100, old guy flats, I make it $500. Fishy player folds, old guy flats.
Turn: QhTh6dKd. Old guy donks out $1500 with $3000 behind. I've never seen this older guy play a large pot or make such an unorthodox move. What is his range here? What do we do?

Hand 2:

Mandatory straddle to $50 is on now.

KcKs, BB.

Fishy new player opens $175 (I assumed he was fishy based on how many pots he was playing and how happy the regs were to see him). Only other hand I have played with fishy was me 3betting JJ, him calling and folding to a cbet on a AQX flop (I did not show). One caller in MP, I make it 600, opener calls MP folds.

Flop 7h7d5h. I cbet $800, fishy player calls with $2100 behind.

Turn 7h7d5hAc. Hero??

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