€1 Million Cash like playing chips. How does one get there? And shoutout to coaches.
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High Stakes
€1 Million Cash like playing chips. How does one get there? And shoutout to coaches.
Recently they played high stake cash games ...
Let's just say they play €1 Million like how i play 1cent/2cent game ...
It's both exciting and frustrating at the same time, honestly.
I've heard people made 100+ million HKD in one session before ( in fact confirmed), but it does not stimulate u as strong as watching video in which people 4 bet 5 bet k3o ... splashing money (which most of us consider "a LOT") like playing chips.
In online arena, from what i see, mid stake player grinding their ass off and studying .. make somewhere between 60k$ - 150k$ a year. It's stable and comfortable living, definitely respectable. However, does it really worth it ...from a pure financial sense, considering their are drawbacks for most people as poker players. I mean, I enjoy the convenience and intellectual challenge, but it's sadly not a "DREAM".
Maybe the dream is just non-existent for some one who plays online .... if u are not the best or 2nd best player in a certain game.
I am relatively new to poker (since turning a bit serious), trying to climb the ladder myself. I can see how someone who stay disciplined and put in effort has a way of getting to say 500Z, 200Z. However it's not close to what those boys are doing ...
The frustrating part is I cann't quite see a clear path how one can get to where those people are. Pretty sure it's because I'm not standing high enough. But ... I would like to ask ... I really really want to know "how does one get there'? or close to "there"?
Someone who stands higher plz share ur opinion. Highly highly appreciated.
A quick shout out to Coaches I like ... Sauce, superstar. Phil, I just like him and his voice, must be a nice person. KRab, "nuances". Diego Ramirez: high quality theory. Ishter, ZaZa, Peter Jennings, they are no longer active when I sigh up ... but they are really good.
Thx a million for any reply.
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What 'the dream' is exactly? To make millions without being one of the best in the world? If thats the case than its certainly dead. But its also a non realistic dream in any possible field in the world, souldnt be different with poker
I agree.
Actually a better question would be how to at least break that ceiling where one grinds 500z or 1k ... as I stated, I can see a path to get there, but cann't see a clear path to anything much higher that is totally exciting and inspiring.
Obviously everyone defines "a dream" differently, I would simply put "a place U did not think U will be at when u started to have some real aspiration".
Thx for the reply man.
There is no secret to get there, you just have to keep improving and pushing your limits, just like in everything in life. Maybe the transition from midstakes to highstakes appears to be really sick but I don't think thats the case. Most high stakes games nowadays only run when a recreational decides to sit, so its not like you will make tons of money by crushing top regs. So in that sense its just like any other poker game, its just the stakes that are super high for the average person. Obviously you have to be at a high level to beat a game like this even with a whale at the table so its not like every 500z reg can beat 5knl when it runs. However, when you have established yourself as a midstakes winner, you have a lot of experience and enough money to buy coaching from a top HS reg and has most likely developed an awareness of the game that allows you to understand what it takes for you to stand your ground in those games. So it just becomes a matter of taking well timed shots, and you probably have to rungood too, unless you have a massive bankroll.
But you are already thinking about high stakes so, by your definition, it won't feel like a dream once you get there. Just take one step at a time man. Be honest with yourself and realistic towards your goals. If you want to make millions playing poker, that is certainly possible. You just have to become top 5 in the world. The question is whether you are willing to do whatever it takes to get there. But the climb is steady and long, not steep. It makes more sense to think about the next step in the ladder, not the end of it.
Oh and be aware that most people playing super high stakes are selling a big portion of their action. So its not like they are risking their own money all the time
It's certainly hard to even be profitable playing poker yet alone make millions of dollars.
That said I don't think it's that hard, relatively speaking. Imagine how hard it is to make millions doing anything. Like Saulo said, poker is not an exception.
Hey, thanks for the shoutout! Heres my 2c, as someone who is not invited to games like this...
If you look at this video, the pros who are playing have been crushing the games since before I started playing 10 years ago. You're looking at players who have been consistently at the top, for years, in many formats. The grinder you're describing who has a consistent income is often not this ambitious or well-rounded. It's also worth noting that these are online/live hybrid players (of different generations) who have been fully committed to live poker for years now. These are some of the traits I think are required to get the opportunities you're describing.
Basically, networking and name recognition are huge in poker, just like most industries. First you have to be very good, then you have to accomplish something visible with that skill, meet a ton of people, create relationships, continue to have visible success, and maybe one day you get your foot in the door. If you're grinding out $60-150k along the way, then you should have a comfortable lifestyle, but don't stop pushing yourself to accomplish more if this is your dream.
Do you see that the pros sit and search for fishs, but when the game come more serius, with more regulars like Dwan and Jungle sit in, the pros like Antonious live the game, no space to ego anymore, High Cash games are the most insteligent pros, and they play few pots with other pros, like the Patrick Anotnius fold KJs afters 4bet Durrr 5x with 85s
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