WSOPc Event #1 Vancouver. $365 Villain makes weird line early on

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WSOPc Event #1 Vancouver. $365 Villain makes weird line early on

Hey guys,

I decided to play a few wsopc events in van. Overall it seems very, very soft compared to most fields. I don't play a ton of live (maybe roughly 15 mtts if that) but this seemed like such a good spot.

30 min blinds for now, 75/150 10 handed. 1 seat open in MP. I open 400 with 88 UTG +2 (I have roughly 17k, dbled up early str8 vs a guys set). Folds to BB who flats. He's a mid 20s guy, said he played a bunch of wsop events here and vegas. Doesn't seem very good tbh, first hand of the day he flatted JJ vs a MP open and he was MP+1. Flop was 1074 and he decided to CR a guys bet and proceed to fold vs a 4bet showing JJ. Saw him limp KQo, other than that I don't know much but I didn't like his JJ play or think he was very strong by any means. He has about 8kish.

flop comes 9h9s3d. He quickly donks 500, i flat. turn 5d and he quickly checks. I decided to bet 925 and I bet because I didn't want him to get a free river card, not sure if he's capable of bluffing rivers and didn't want to guess on cards I didn't like. I think I do check sometimes though but just not here. He quickly CR rips allin for his whole stack.

He seemed kinda nervous tbh but I really didn't think he was the type to flat AA/KK pre. I tanked for a bit and as I thought about it really seemed like TT-QQ to me. He def doesn't play 9x like this imo, and i was wondering if he could possibly have 66-77. What do you guys think his range is here? Would he ever have 66, 77 (88 unlikey) or a AQ/AK/AJ with diamonds? I don't know if he's capable of playing hands like that...its just such a weird line that confused me. Any help, thoughts and how you guys play this would be much appreciated. I'll post results after.

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