WSOP Event 46 ($1,000 Seniors NLHE) Day 1B hand

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WSOP Event 46 ($1,000 Seniors NLHE) Day 1B hand

I asked my circle of poker friends the following question:

Blinds are 400/800 with 800 bb ante. You have 35k. You raise UTG+1 to 2100 with AhKs. Seat to your left who has 70k smooth calls and all others fold. Flop is Jx4x8c. You bet 1500. Quick call. Turn is Kc. You bet 3500. Another quick call. River is 6c. You check, villain thinks for 15 seconds then announces all-in and puts out a tall stack that has you covered. What do you do?

I wrote this text from the perspective of my opponent (I'm actually the villain) because I suspected they would say fold and I wanted to remove any bias they may have about me if they knew I was bluffer. They of course suggested a fold. What say you?

Thanks appreciate your insights and comments.

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