WSOP 3k 6m, hand help
Posted by mplecki23
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High Stakes
WSOP 3k 6m, hand help
Hi amigos, had a tougher hand the other night.
800 entrants, and we're down to ~250 but prob 150 from money. We have 13k at 150/300/ 25a or 50a I forgot, but roughly 40bbs. The hand is vs Terrance Chan, however I didn't know who he was at the time and he just recently sat our table. At the time, he just seemed like a younger asian kid that knew what he was doing.
Anyways, it's folded around to TC and he minraises BTN. I flat? KJo in SB and BB folds.
K88ss flop and he half pots, I call, turn Qo I x/c half pot again, river is 3o and he half pots again for ~4.5k. I think I woulda had 9bbs left if I made an incorrect call.
Tough spot because I don't think I have too many 8x in my pf range and all my Kx chop. Turn brings a lot of gutters.
I ended up folding and would just call anything KQ or better I think. Thoughts?
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KJ is pretty high up in my range, I just dont think theres much I can do about it on this runout
If you call the turn...
Id probably find a call on the river after x/c whole way. he has a king sometimes for a chop he has a Q here sometimes i believe and just decided to continue cause youre probably c/c a wide range on a fairly polar k88 board vs his c bets and maybe the Q is good now. He has Ak KQ and 8s here sometimes but way board ran out im calling.
Doubt he vbets a queen OTR or takes this line with one.....I think this is super close - Im more inclined to call because the turn was a queen and he prob barrels all his gutters,open enders,etc but I think we have a ton of Kx when we call the turn and I think if he saw our hand he wouldn't try to bluff us OTR....I think of a blank turn this is a river fold but very close as played
KJ is the new super close hand on the blinds. We are never comfortable calling three streets with TP. I know who this guy is but never played him.
The problem of KJ is that generally isn't a good leading/check-raising hand (also QJ) and we are in those gross spots often enough. I don't think you can call always of fold always. In this situation I rather fold because our kicker does not make difference as a bluff catcher and even though we are high up in our range, we surely have more 8s than he has on this spot but not by much, since is BN x BB.
How is BB playing, how deep is he? Under most circumstances, I'd rather 3b KJo from the SB with your stack here.
As played, I don't have an opinion for postflop. In general I think your range is pretty faced up. You don't have many 8x at all (but some), you have a bunch of Kx, some flop FDs (possibly QsXs). Usually I wouldn't expect a bluff in this situation, but it can goes both way: some players will find it a good bluff situation, because it looks very strong, especially as it threatens your stack fairly heavily.
Now the question could be: is it more likely to see a bluff leaving you 9bb river or a bluff putting you all-in?
My decision would ultimately depend a lot of my 'live feel', as I think call and fold river are both fine in a vacuum. I still prefer to 3b pre (even 3b tiny), unless BB is very tight / very passive / fishy. Feel free to develop why you prefer to flat preflop with stack sizes as compared to 3b.
BB was fairly new too, however I've noticed no one really squeezes a ton bb/sb/btn so I've opted to peel a bit more in the SB rather than play with my usual 3b or fold. I'm not a tourney player and want to get into as many deeper postflop situations where I outskill the mtt pros.
You should call here. You are getting a good price and in a HS tournament like this with a lot of marginal spots you have to play tough. Apart from KQ and quad 8's you have pretty much the top of your range.
Initially, this is what I pretty much thought. However, with all my Kx being chops, my J blocks some turned straight draws. I didn't have a Spade blocker tho.
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