Where to start improving after beiing 5 years out of the game?
Posted by bros1987
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Where to start improving after beiing 5 years out of the game?
I recently started back playing. I enjoy playing a few micro MTT 2-3 nights a week and some live tournaments like once a month. I used to play micro cash (25NL fullring) between 2008-2011 and PLO up to 10PLO. I have won a decent amount in these micro games which covered costs and bankrolled all 5 of my Las Vegas trips in that period. However at some point it started getting harder and harder to keep up the winrate and in the end it was sort of just breakeven at the tables and just a small profit from rakeback. I quit after probably 3 million hands (which may sound redicuelessnes for some at these levels) Never saw myself as a great player more as a player who profited from players who were worse and beiing able to tell if I was up against better players and avoid them.
Long story short I recently started playing some MTT's again as a hobby. Never really focused on them back then besides playing them occasionaly. I enjoy playing a deepstack live tournament for fun and started winning 2 small ones back-to-back and finishing 3rd in a $3 tourney on stars with 4000 runners. These results gave me a nice bankroll to keep playing but now i want to improve. I keep playing micro's online and want to play some bigger live tournaments (I am in the position to go to Rozvadov, Chech republic 3/4 times a year if I like) But I don't really know were to start plugging my leaks.
I feel like I'm playing mostly based on "gut feeling" and stuff I remember. I feel like deepstacked I'm comfortable early in tournaments and also my <15BB shoving game is allright. My greatest leakes will be playing a deepstack later on in tournaments. I've been in a position many times lately where I will have build up a 100BB+ stack after the bubble in big fields with over 2000/3000 runners but can't maintain my stack. Play to tight maybe and end up flipping out of the tournament in 80th place or so. I feel like I don't use my big stack efficiently or good enough. So that's something I need to improve.
Which video's should I watch? I don't really know were to start. Maybe I need to recheck everything from the start. Potodds etc. Do I still know that stuff after all these years? etc. Should I go back to using software for MTT's. I watch Lex Veldhuix a lot on twitch so I see it is possible without.
So hope someone has some good tips were to start again and from there improve my recently found again hobby.
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"Fundamentals of 3 Betting" (Ryan Lapplante) in Essentials for MTTs was helpful for me. Talks about sizing for 3 betting based on how deep u and your opponent are. Also, Apotheosis; videos on "Transitioning to MTTs". Apotheosis is a genius, fortunately for us bottom feeders he use to be an "Essential" pro. Hope this helps and let me knwo what you think of those vids if you do happen to check them out. I found taking notes on the first video mentioned and reviewing them really helpful.
I've started reading 'how to study poker' it's making me look at studying poker in a completely different way.
Hi and welcome back.
You almost said what you need to focus on yourself - your post seems very self reflecting and you seem to know the basics even after that long break.
If you are using a tracker software you could go over your hand history after a tourney or let other players / coaches check them and see where you missed opportunities (if your really to tight) or what other leaks you have.
Additionally you could of course post hands for review in the forum and check out videos with a focus on deep stack play / mid stakes play in a tourney.
If your up to that you can as well join study groups, you can find some here in the forum as well.
MTTs NLH was the last I learned and I didn't run into any book (nor software really) that would not have been there 5 years ago, so if you need a book not more than 5 years old, then it would be some cash game book.
I put the final changes to my MTTs with the "one had at the time" tourney books (or two of them) so I understood especially when I am pot committed preflop (about 1/3 of the stack being the marginal where one just might do anything) plus some other factors (some related to stack sizes) for when to play tighter or looser.
Nothing much about postflop play anywhere, really, the high-limit MTT book as it usually is, meaning not much post flop play later in the tourneys, it seems, so it is mostly about smaller stacks, smaller bet sizes thing (if not allin or folding, or soft playing as so many seem to do later) and more or less like cash otherwise, as far as I see it (no tourney post flop strategy exists, counting out some pot control ideas that are not all accurate). but one likely plays heavily also the opponent and tension levels in tourneys.
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