What do you think is the best line to take with AQo here?
Posted by Redeth
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Low Stakes
What do you think is the best line to take with AQo here?
Blinds: t10,000/t20,000 (9 Players)
UTG: 400,229
MP: 606,863 (Hero)
UTG+1: 1,424,651
MP+1: 655,504
MP+2: 555,485
CO: 1,359,605
BN: 254,924
SB: 946,162
BB: 1,023,660
MP: 606,863 (Hero)
UTG+1: 1,424,651
MP+1: 655,504
MP+2: 555,485
CO: 1,359,605
BN: 254,924
SB: 946,162
BB: 1,023,660
i do not have any history with the guy on BB he came to the table a few hands ago. Its the final 4 tables.
Hero is MP with
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Do you think there is a better line here??
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Final Pot
lost and shows a pair of Queens.
BB wins and shows a pair of Kings.
BB wins 1,287,726
BB wins and shows a pair of Kings.
BB wins 1,287,726
I am wondering if i could play better this hand. I think that post-flop what happened was standard right? but should i have folded pre? or 4-bet all in plays better against his range i am not talking about the hand he had....or is it just a cooler and there is nothing we can do? Cheers
The tournament is the 11 mini battle royal with 2500 players started we are down to 34 and i am like 14/34
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Hi redeth,
Ben thinking a bit about this hand. Even tossed it into my strat group. Nothing much you could do. its a cooler. I get it in on the same spot as you
I agree with Herpes, he could easily be squeezing wide with his stack, and folding pre is defo out of the question.
thanks guys! thats what i thought i mean its a cooler the only thing is that he is squeezing from bb vs mp raise but still fold pre seems too weak
PRE FLOP AND FLOP In my opinion he played perfect. He made pot control and everything. In TURN, I like to take that call and evaluated RIVER.
I use the HM and certainly would evaluate the villain statistics.
Nope, there's no way to avoid it. He trapped you on the flop and on a board like this you won't fold AQ. You could have C-Bet on the flop but he could have probably gone all in. So G.G Next.
I used to just min raise (2x) preflop, so the 3bet would be smaller and we can control the pot better since preflop.
check-check, call turn, and call river, and maybe we can survive with something like 10bb´s
I like the line pre and on the flop, personally I would just call turn and give him room to bluff river. K and T are the worst rivers for you but I doubt he would have AK with the flop check then turn bet line, and population probably will overbluff K rivers so I'd just call turn and call any river.
yea now that i see the hand maybe the right move would be to call the turn and maybe he could just go for a very small value bet on the river or even make the mistake and go for bluff catch. in that case i would have an easy check back or i could save a tiny portion of my stack. if he went all in then call of course but there is room to survive if i just called the turn. i guess i felt commited on the turn given that i hit top pair top kicker....
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