What could/should Be done differently?
Posted by Flight_Risk
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Low Stakes
What could/should Be done differently?
MP: 78,406
UTG+1: 54,300
MP+1: 39,696
MP+2: 126,768 (Hero)
CO: 61,069
BN: 24,110
SB: 14,697
BB: 22,820
This was a low stakes MTT. I'd been doing pretty well from the start of it. We're already ITM here and I'm feeling good about taking this one down. I'd been in the top 10 basically the whole time, and when this hand starts I was in 7th, I think. Villain in this hand was running about 40% VPIP but his sharkscope showed that he plays a lot of tournaments. It looks like he's played everywhere from $20 BI, to $1 BI.
When He donked the flop I was a little concerned about him having a set. But I decided he'd most likely check raise with a hand like that, so I shoved. Was that a bad move? Was his call as bad as I think? The more I look at his call on the flop the more I get it. But is it correct?
Any insights you have would be appreciated.
fun fact: four hands later I get AA again. I 3bet all-in, get called by TT, river gives villain a flush. So in 5 hands I get AA twice, (fold the others) and I go from 7th place to busting out in 48th with a min cash). I stopped at that point and started prepping for tomorrow Lol
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Hello again. I think you played it perfectly. As far as he is concerned I think he played it horrible from start to end :).
The way he played this hand I think if he had any pair in hand, he would have shoved your raise pre-floap. So i really think it is unlikely for him to have a set there. Most of the time his range is composed , i guess out of top pair a lot of the time and 2 pairs.
Apperantly he has in his range a double gutter as well. So your shove is like amazing there!
You are pretting the Dineros!
Ok, well I feel a little better. I was starting to wonder if I should've waited and assessed on the turn. Thanks!
Maybe 4x or 5x preflop; because he limped and seems fishy
Well he's tagged now. And I'll definitely be squeezing a little more outta him from now on since I know he'll pay up.
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