Weird spot with Overpair
Posted by Gazorpazorp field
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Gazorpazorp field
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Low Stakes
Weird spot with Overpair
Blinds: t75/t150 (9 Players)
MP: 12,730
MP+1: 9,240
MP+2: 10,780
CO: 9,150
BN: 11,828
SB: 8,340 (Hero)
BB: 7,910
UTG: 11,645
UTG+1: 6,259
MP+1: 9,240
MP+2: 10,780
CO: 9,150
BN: 11,828
SB: 8,340 (Hero)
BB: 7,910
UTG: 11,645
UTG+1: 6,259
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
wins and shows four of a kind, Threes.
BB wins 17,260
BB wins 17,260
Early stages of microstakes MTT.
Really have no clue what the play on the river is, what hands I want to be calling with and what I should do with my TT, I think holding the Tc leans towards calling rather than folding? I'm not sure but I think im quite high up on my range here, hardly ever floating flop with my flush draws, rarely have any straights and will occasionally have sets/boats, I 3bet QQ-AA pre so would play 88-JJ the same way, also confused about what I would do with 55, 66, especially when holding a club.
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I don't think it is good to have a calling range preflop in this situation on the sb. I would probably raise with 88+, AJ+, KQ to about 2000,- and call a shove from mp with Jj+, AK. When utg+1 or utg+2 shove, I would only call with Qq+.
If MP is tight, you should have a tighter 3betting range.
As played, calling on the flop is probably better than shoving to let fish stay in the pot with weaker pocket pairs.
On this particular turn I would donk shove to deny equity. Probably the BB is a fish and calls with less.
As played, on the river it is a call.
I should of mentioned MP had quite tight stats, so I was kind of worried about him having JJ+ (maybe 99?), and once he cbet that flop 5 ways I thought hands like AQ/AK were not that likely. I do agree that calling in the sb preflop sucks so I only do it when BB is a weak/passive player (quite often in these stakes).
I also think in the microstakes players with this profile very rarely 3bet/raise limps preflop without the intention of getting it in, so I prefered set mining and letting the limpers and BB into the pot.
Also, in your 3 bet range, does this mean you are folding 77-? would you also fold 88-99 against a tighter MP?
I really like the idea of shoving turn tho, wish I thought of it in the hand.
I'm not a fan of 3b/folding hands 88-JJ preflop. I think calling with those is fine.
I agree that it's a tough spot on the river. Not really sure what he does this for value with that we beat. You would have to hope for 88-99, but i'm not sure how likely that is. I think the c/c flop, c/c turn, donk river line is usually pretty strong. Especially in a multiway pot.
I don't think having the T of clubs changes much. The flush draw should be a pretty small part of his range. He probably only calls that flop with clubs if they connect with the board somehow. I can't think of many hands except for A5 and 56 of clubs.
I'm not sure what he can bluff with either. 56 got there and A4 and 45 have some showdown value, so he's probably checking those most of the time.
All in all, I would expect to see 22, 77, 33, 44 and maybe 56 quite often. I think folding is reasonable but when I'm in this spot I might tell myself I only need to be right 25% of the time and call.
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