Weird spot 50 left Big $55

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Weird spot 50 left Big $55

The guy was on tilt after spazzing last couple of hands. His sizing was always too big and he had just raised  9T UTG, I flatted from the blinds, flopped a set and won a big pot. I have raised a few times and folded to 3bs  but haven't gotten out of line.

My turn bet is just to get value from gutshots/JJ/Tx/99. He's clearly experienced and I don't expect him to ever be checking back an A OTF unless it's AT/AA.

Thoughts on the 4b and the rest of the hand much appreciated.


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Piper420 11 years, 1 month ago

It sucks to lay down your hand after hitting your bingo card on the river, but the minraise on the river is almost always the nuts. I definitely would not have shoved over it but I guess you could make a crying call. I just cant see what else he could have after playing the hand like he did except maybe a slow played set. But even then I would think he would raise the turn. The rest of the hand is well played in my opinion though.

Cmw3011 11 years, 1 month ago

YEh, I didn't shove river even though I had 1/2 pot because I ranged him at JJ/99/Tx and figured when I shove river, to a less experienced player it looks weaker and might get a crying call from one of those hands. Obviously vs. a competent opponent I'm not betting 50k into 140k leaving 27k behind and might check to induce a shove repping JJ or KK.

2Tight2Fight 11 years, 1 month ago

Oh my god that hurt to watch.  You can't fold the river.  Think I would have just jammed it preflop.  I would expect that 3 betting from the 3 seat that he has something strong enough to call with, and given his tilt, wouldn't be surprised to get called a little light here.  Just jam and make it look like AK, maybe even 77 might call off here.  I think I'm losing value just shoving here, my coach has been telling me to stop 4bet jamming huge with strong hands and just click it back to induce, but if he's tilting, you might well get a light call anyway.

Cmw3011 11 years, 1 month ago

Thanks for your feedback.

I hate shoving because I think he's folding so much. Given his tilt and the recent dynamic I really think he's gonna be super light so often.

After speaking to some other decent players they advocated shoving and hoping to get called by hands that shouldn't by someone who is tilting and avoid these awkward spots post. I don't mind playing post oop in these spots because I think I have a huge given the dynamic, his tilting, and my hand strength.

I'm still in two minds though. Thanks for your comments.

TheMickxx 11 years, 1 month ago

How about your 4bet sizing on pre, what if u had bet something like 50k-55k and then just jam on the flop? I think your 4bet is quite small and it gives pretty good odds to call in position.

But I think this is pretty well played after all. Maybe I had just check/called the river, cause u barely get called with worse hand.

Serebity_p 11 years, 1 month ago

Looks like a good played hand in my opinion, except for the river line.Personally I wouldn't have bet the river for reasons stated by you about his range(no Ax) and a set will surely value bet the river for you if he has one.

Didn't you ever consider check/calling the river? I don't think you get called by 99 or JJ even if he is tilted and spew and maybe you could put more bluffs in his range by checking (it is possible and likely he will take the showdown value that you think he has and turn it into a bluff).Maybe the only real showdown value in this hand is KK that he checks back and you maybe get a crying call on the river(not sure).

pseudofinch 11 years ago

I think you should be jamming river for value. He has you beat with AA, flushes, and KJ only, and he would probably jam AA pre. So he's only got you beat with flushes (may not be many flushes in his range considering the As Ts and Qs are out) and KJ. All two pair and set combos pay you off, and maybe even AK, AJ pays you off. 

24Caliber 11 years ago

Hi Cmw3011,

Nice hand, in my opinion what is important in this hand is the bet sizing pre-flop - following on from "TheMickxx"'s comment:

By clicking it back to 39k preflop we allow the villain to peel a flop in position with good odds and with play/stacks behind (why give him that option/advantage on us? The deeper we are, the more value position has). 

QQ is strong and I'm assuming we are happy to get it in pre, but it does not flop that great in this kind of spot and I also feel this sizing means we miss value preflop...if you jam he might call light, hands like TJss or 66 or AxSS would most likely fold, but can be tempted to peel against a 4 bet and further to this would have a hard time folding a flop where they have hit a single pair or draw, e.g. if he has TJ on T45, don't really want to miss this value imo.

What is most important to me though, is that we are building a big pot preflop, in an important stage of the tournament, where it would be a nightmare to ever have to fold postflop or get the chips in without decent equity (i.e. maybe can just check-fold AKx boards, or check-call if you think he is very spazzy)

On the flop your stack size is 101k and the pot size is 85.5k, this is not aligned very well in my opinion...preflop I would be looking to size my 4 bet so that if he flats I can jam any flop (apart from Akx) and be happy that it is a profitable bet vs the range allocated to him.  

If we size the 4 bet to 45k (note this also gives us a better price to call vs if he does jam preflop) and he calls, then the pot size will be 45000+45000+3200+3200+1600 = 98000 and we will have 95000, which is less than a pot size bet left...I'd probably go bigger like 47k to further the stack to pot ratio in your favor postflop, 2k more is an extra 4k in the pot preflop and 2k less in your stack postflop, so worth 6k in the pot to stack ratio.

Sometimes it is nice to click / small 4 bet with big hands like QQ to induce people to re-jam light, or if the stack sizes are well aligned for postflop play, but this spot I feel that your 4 bet sizing leaves you too vulnerable post-flop in a pot you can't afford to lose that often.

As played I'd check-jam the turn rather than lead (and consider it a value bet)

Cmw3011 10 years, 10 months ago

Ok this was posted quite a while ago and, as with everyone, poker (and my game has moved on a lot in 4 months).

Looking at this with afresh perspective I really like my play pre flop.

The guy was looking to give his chips away, was on  uber tilt and was going to level himself into a bluff/overplaying a weak hand. Vs a good, thinking opponent my 4b UTG out of this stack looks too strong; and I'm always going to be 4b shoving QQ to keep my range wide. QQ is too strong to shove here and have him snap fold 89 or A4, or even KJ. He may tilt call with a lot of these hands if I 4b shove but it's too much of a stretch. Given this opponent and the current history and gameflow I think a 4b induce is easily the correct play. 

Now to address sizing. I actually think the sizing is great 24caliber. The reason it is good, is because I've gone small enough that he might think I have given myself room to 4b/f (which obviously most opponents wouldn't and would see this as strength). Because I am relatively shallow the fact that a peel from him means I have a 1.2:1 SPR is kinda completely irrelevant. One way or another, on one or more streets he is either going pick up some equity (a pair or a draw) or bluff. So depending on the texture and his timing the chips will be going in.

If the flop is AKx? So be it. I check 3 and let him trying and bluff me off with 9 high. If he outflops me, then gg; but I'm not folding.

Overall playing the hand this way against such an opponent who is on tilt gives him the most chances to play his hand badly. By shoving pre we reduce the varaince but allow him to play perfectly vs us. 

I agree this is a crucial spot in the tournament. But crucial in that you cannot be wasting the opportunity to accumulate chips with your premium hands. This guy will spew to someone soon and if you give him a chance to fold when you have the near-nuts you're giving someone else the chance to take those chips.

WRT the river; I'm still undecided. Still looks really weird.

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