Variance of Turbo MTTs compared to regular speed
Posted by Alienbash
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Low Stakes
Variance of Turbo MTTs compared to regular speed
Hi guys,
i was wondering if i can expect a much higher variance when playing turbo MTTs compared to regualar speed MTTs?
For me it feels like turbo MTTs, especially in micro stakes ($1-$2), are very tough to beat, given that in the very early stages of an MTT it makes sense to play very tight aggressive and losen up, as the weakest players are already out and blinds/antes start to go up. But as soon as one happens to be card dead for a couple of hands, it's just push/fold poker very quickly and one is conftonted with flip situations almost every round.
Would you recommend to play another format than turbo MTT (with $130 BR) because variance is too high?
Thank you very much,
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yes turbos are way more variance heavy as you are very likely to be between 8-20bb for most of the tourney. play 180s still a fair bit of variance but a lot less than mtts.
Thank you very much for answering! Would you still say that micro turbo MTTs are beatable?
yes of course they are. very very beatable. your roll is too small tho. just play 180s
Is there a very different approach in terms of strategy i have to be aware of when switching from MTT to 180 SNG? I mean is the general approach still to play relatively tight in the early stage and not risk too many chips with marginal hands and get the aggression up as blinds and antes are going up?
yeah strategy is pretty much the same.
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