Turning TRIPS and FD completes
Posted by Risva10
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Low Stakes
Turning TRIPS and FD completes
Blinds: t30/t60 (6 Players)
BN: 5,122
SB: 6,897
BB: 5,612
UTG: 5,000
MP: 5,000
CO: 5,000 (Hero)
SB: 6,897
BB: 5,612
UTG: 5,000
MP: 5,000
CO: 5,000 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Final Pot
wins and shows a flush, King high.
UTG wins 5,208
UTG wins 5,208
OTF I meant to raise 2 more BB but missclicked should I go even bigger with how wet it is? Should I be folding river? This guy seems like a reg or at least competent player. I called cause with the K on the turn and my check it seems harder for me to have a King to a lot of players and they might try to push me off the pot with some 8xAs.
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why you chek turn?
With 5 people on the flop the chances that someone continued with a Flushdraw are really high. There is no reason for them to fold their FD on the flop especially with this small donk and my stupid low bet.
Raise flop (vs that sizing) and check turn are very well played. OTR I would lean towards a fold as I do not see a balanced bluffing range (he needs to have some JT, T9, 65 without spades)
What would be a board ( with the FD ofc ) that you would be more inclined to call river? Something like Kh Js Ts / Ks / 3c ?
river doesn't change much, big problem is the turn.
I mean if the flop was K J T with 2 spades he could have some missed SD like QsTc (that he may bluff with) and we could call a higher frequency on the same river? Or just cause there were 5 people OTF and the Flush completes we cant call?
It is player dependent, but good ones should not call a raise OTF with less than a FD.
Umm ok lets see. You can 3-bet preflop to narrow the field but I do call sometimes. Ok when sb donks 2 bb he is just saying: I got a fluh draw don't bet so much pls!!!! so you should do a big raise, not only because sb will call you down but because there are more players in the hand. If you do think someone got the flush I like the check on the turn but not the call on the river, too many players in the hand, perhaps I'm being resultadistic but if you got the K what else could be out there? And more important, you don't have spade blocker.
Exactly what I think about these 2bb donks too. My flop raise was too small I faked that up. The thing is with the Ks OTT people tend to understimate how often I actually have a K. But yeah without blockers and 5 people OTF I agree with you, I think I just talked my self into calling on this one.
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