TURBO MTT 180 ppl NL

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TURBO MTT 180 ppl NL

im playing these games recently and i cant get any grip of it.
If i play it like normal tournement my stack fade even if im lucky to get fast aces or kings or ak to double up because of pace of blinds increasement
If i loosen up hand range it doesnt seem to help very much because everyone is snapcalling with sooo wide range like Q8 J9 KT KJ A5 and its a close flip always if you dont have premium pair, and can happen with so many people snapcallin soo often that you get dealt QQ and called of by A3 of K7 and finish game as well
Also loosing your range downwards make you run into people being dealt premiums so you are out again

My question is is there a solid strategy approach to issue ~ or the best you can do is to try pick position as good as you can together with card that has decent flip odds and play ten games to profit in one dependable on your overall luck and basic understanding of odds and position?


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Cary Pall 12 years, 2 months ago
I used to play a lot of 180s on Stars before Black Friday in the USA. I still watch videos every week to see how the games have changed. I'm always down to go over hand histories if you have any specific questions about them
Aleksandra ZenFish 12 years, 2 months ago
k ill do few tonite wil send you hand hisories so you can make comment, game is superannoying me cause i cant beat it, my itm fell from 20 to 16 since i start playing them, where can i send you hand histories?
So sad for all my usa friends that cant play :(
PS - i dont have trouble with 180 ppl normal, just turbos
Cary Pall 12 years, 2 months ago
My email is carypall72@gmail. I'm more than happy to take a look and offer whatever advice I can give. I miss playing them...they were a great way to balance out mtt variance. Luckily, I'm planning on moving to Denmark for the summer, so hopefully I'll be back on Stars in a few months.
computerscreen 12 years, 2 months ago
180 turbos are filled with many professional players making a living off of them. So naturally they will be harder and the game will be looser and more aggressive. You need a good solid shove game and it sounds like your missing fundamentals in that area. Work with sng wizard, icmizer, nash calc, or some program that deals with pushing and calling.

One example is bvb with antes 10bbs eff you should be shoving atc vs 90% of the field. Often we can push nearly atc on the button with < 10bbs. If you are playing tighter than this then your game is way too tight.

z0fman 12 years, 2 months ago
Its turbo structure u cant really wait for premium pocket pairs...my guess is u r too tight and lose a lot of ur stack to the blinds and antes...
Aleksandra ZenFish 12 years, 2 months ago
blah...am....trying to change it atm, using this turbos to improve postbubble mtt play..very alike and i still cant make myself play hands like AJo on utg
z0fman 12 years, 2 months ago
u dont often have more than 10bbs in those turbo 180s so even up to like 15bbs AJo utg should be a profitable openshove....u def have to play it on utg in those games
Aleksandra ZenFish 12 years, 2 months ago
yup i was reffering to that game stage, im not widening range with antes in and blinds high so im having mediocre results if i dont get in a good card flow
computerscreen 12 years, 2 months ago
Turbo poker is mostly the same early game as normal poker. The time when you make your chips is when antes come into play. The question you need to answer is not what hands to raise and what hands to fold, but rather WHY are we raising in each spot preflop.
Sebastian N Anderssen 12 years, 2 months ago
If you´re playing a bunch of tables I´d probably try to play less tables and pay close attention to what people are calling each other with and to make sure I don´t miss any obvious shove/steal spots. Its so easy to go on auto-pilot while playing sngs, which is not ideal if you haven't played a lot of them. There are also some programs/websites out there that can help you improve your shoving/calling ranges, like SNG wiz. Personally I'm using the free ICM NASH calc. over at holdemresources.net: http://www.holdemresources.net/h/web-calculators/nashicm.html . If you're unfamilar with how to work with a calculator there are a few threads over at twoplustwo that can help you get started.
z0fman 12 years, 2 months ago
u mentioned about ur itm % anyway it doesnt matter what matters is how often u get top 3 spots cause thats where the $ is in most games and especially 180s....so play for the win dont be afraid and go for the mincash....the 2.5 180s should be beatable by anyone if they try a little

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