Trying to hold on with weak TP in Sunday Million
Posted by Hoothoot
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Mid Stakes
Trying to hold on with weak TP in Sunday Million
MP+1: 18,996
MP+2: 4,543
CO: 19,840
BN: 40,008
SB: 11,620
BB: 20,512
UTG: 23,230 (Hero)
UTG+1: 23,923
This hand happened in the mega Sunday Million recently. Flop and turn are standard, the tricky part is the river. I would expect villain to 3bet JJ+ for sure, probably TT+, and I block 99 which would be his best flatting overpair. He can't have many 7x combos: only 2 combos of 76s and 2 combos of 87s. I also block 88, and the board pairing leaves only 4 combos of 77 and 55. I don't see him showing up with 64s or 69s. I don't block hearts of course, but his bet sizing is super polarizing, and there are plenty of bricked draws he could have like 9Ts, JTs, and J9s, most of which I don't block. Plus he knows I'm capped, so it would be a perfect board to put max pressure on me. Then again, it's pretty early in the SM, so I don't know how likely a huge bluff is at this stage. Thoughts?
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i replied this in your other similar post
I think you did a good job of summarizing range interaction and I think a call is fine based on the nature of what you block and unblock. Sometimes villain is going to show up with a flush, but it seems like the range vs. range interactions on this runout are just right to pull off a big bluffcatch. PLUS, you still have 14bb to battle with if you lose :)
hi ! Not sure if i will open a lot 89s from utg, might be too thin, but fine in soft tables, makes sense what was said , the thing is, i dont know if theres a lot of bluffing going that early and bluffcacthing becomes worse. OTF , x/r would look good i think , thoughts about that?
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