Transitioning from cash games to tournaments

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Transitioning from cash games to tournaments

Little bit of background: I've a 6 year history of being relatively successful in cash games. I've long term winrates of ~4bb/100 at 200nl Zoom and ~3bb/100 at 500nl Zoom. I'm having a big month right now. I make training videos for a rival site. I feel like I'm *ok* at poker.

But I suck so so so badly at tournaments. My long term ROI must be something like -50%. I struggle equally at preflop and postflop. Preflop, I have in my head ranges that I think would be decent to raise call/ raise fold etc, but probably overly or underly freak out about tournament life or something.

Postflop, I just can't understand what anyone is doing at all. Check raises happen in the most ridiculous spots. I get donked into in spots where in cash I'd just lol call down, but in tournaments don't feel able because of tourny life. I see 3bets in the most obvious spots, lol to myself 'cos it's likely super imbalanced and I can just rejam a lot, but just run into stuff constantly. I find it a million times easier to handread good 500nl cash players than I do any random tourny guy.

I feel like I've bought too much of the 'tourney players suck' mentality that cash game players have, and this arrogance has made me very poor. I feel like facing up to this is the first step on the road to redemption.

Well, I want this to stop. How do I get better, where do I first look? Where do I even start?


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