Tough Spot on River Deep $109 Mini Tuesday
Posted by ra_raa11
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High Stakes
Tough Spot on River Deep $109 Mini Tuesday
UTG: 67,061
UTG+1: 325,460
MP: 252,348
MP+1: 122,068 (Hero)
CO: 262,254
BN: 77,838
SB: 122,982
Hi Guys
Could do with some feedback on this hand if poss, Villain playing 28/20 over 137 hands, had him tagged as fairly loose player.
Standard open, now i decided to CBET as we block some flush draws, can get alot of junk to fold and the Q hits our opening range (I had been playing pretty tight not really getting out of line), T is interesting, I decdied to back as the flush does get there as do 56o TJ alor of two pairs poss, now on river he X's, i think he bets his flushes and straights as I showed weakness on T and decided to bet river as K hits our perceived range and we block flushes and TJ.
So what do you guys think? do I barrel Turn then fold to raise, i cant x back river as we pretty much always lose, i think the xjam was a good move from him if he did have it as he prob knows im capable of stabbing at the K....
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I am not sure about the flop bet, I think we can cbet, specially with the Jh. I like how you played turn and river: we don't want to get raise OTT with that much equity, and OTR we can bet 1/2 to 2/3 pot to target his 9x, 8x and 7x.
yeah was tough spot for sure, what do you think his likely holding is? KQ, JT, 56? I think two pair he prob XC's
Tbh I don't think he is ever raising AI with a straight vs your river sizing. For value I think he exclusively has flushes and for bluffs (if villain is capable of having any) AhJx - Ah6x, perhaps lower AhXx combos if he floated flop even wider, seem like good candidates.
Why is it a tough spot on the river?
You played the hand fine, the other option would be to double barrel turn and river, but not necessarily better.
Hi Pedro thanks for feedback, I think when I get XR on river I start doubting how I played hand, but good to see re-assurance from you.
got it!
You played the hand well as I said, its a very good bluff on the river as with that betting you attack lots of his low pairs.
And his x/r range is composed of some nuty hands (flushs as str8s) as well as some bluffs with low pair + missed FD so there's no way we can do anythign but bet/fold.
Three questions:
(1) how many players check back a river'd K top pair on that board?
i think this is a very important question to ask.
after villains call on flop.... (2) what is villain's range?
made hands: two pair+, Qx, 8x, 7x,
draws: fd AND sd (56, T9, J9, JT)
ALL of which improved on the turn. If villain didn't call with a pair or better on the flop then EVERY draw improved to a pair or better on the turn...
(3) can anyone tell me what villain hand calls the flop and folds the river?
(especially with villains stack, and if he's tagged as "fairly loose" he probably calls light).
This river bet needs to work 40% of the time to be profitable. I don't think its working anywhere near that.
further thought: this trend of checking back showdown value and always betting river as bluff cant be right. can it? sometimes you have to just give up. this board might be one of those times.
you don't want to be pegged as one barrel/give up but this turn is a bad card to barrel imo. as played it does look stabby on the river. a short/medium stack often plays fairly straightforward when deep in a tourney ie bets a flush on the turn. therefore once turn is checked i think river needs to be also.
another important consideration is on the river hero has 106k behind (26.5BBs). betting 24,586 and losing it takes hero down to 81.5k ie 20BBs. betting 25% of stack and folding is something worth reviewing...
here's another question... if you had AK and you bet river... do you call off?
or do you find a better spot with 20BBs?
(most oop players who turn a flush will check, but they prob bet river, so less likely he has a flush... but... maybe he's inducing OR putting what he thinks is hero's better hand, a K under pressure, which the river bet opens hero up to, then again maybe he can beat a K).
follow up... back to question (1)...
come on now, who's really betting river with AK on that board?
i really think this is a one barrel board with AsJh. if it were a drier board and the K came on river then its a better bet-check-bet line.
Some very interesting points there, interesting to know what Pedro Madeira thinks??
On that turn IP player should have tons of value hands checking back such as one pair (AQ, KQ), 2p and sets as it's a very conneted and drawy board that favors OOP's range.
Therefore on the river, after BB check IP should bet all of those hands, reasoaning why hands such as this AJ should be bluffed with some frequency.
I think the hand is played well by both players and seems pretty standard until the river where it becomes a little more interesting...
I think the river stab is fine from us as our line makes sense been the aggressor in the hand and the river K should improve our holdings a high frequency. With this been said I really cannot see villain X-Raising this river spot with complete air with little fold equity and after him calling Qxx flop with FD just seems a crazy spot to go for it ..IF we did have a hand like AK and pair the river we play it the same way and still think a bet/fold is best however even a bet on such a wet board is thin.
Obv he can easily be check ripping the top end of his range with made hands on the turn, flushes and straights etc but if he's a thinking player he also knows we will stab the river K at high frequency and he can also comfortably jam for value with sets and 2p hands especially when we label him LAG.
Against the right opponent and if we are deeper, could even consider over-betting the turn but not a great board for us would rather the turn be a K,T or a heart giving us gutter and FD however still not great and a much higher variance route.
Flop is probably a mix and turn is a above than average card for OOP then you can just check your whole range if you want but as you decide to pick bluffs this one seems a great candidate. OOP should have all JhXh on his preflop defending range, blocking the nut straight and TPTK seems one of the very few hands without showdown value that can follow through pretty safely without overbluffing.
Partially related question to this post: I'm wondering if anyone notice a trend towards players oop who turn a flush checking both turn and river. it used to be common for op players to check turn and lead river but now I'm wondering if the check turn check river is more common. and maybe some op players ahead of the curve are leading turn?
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