tough spot in the 200f second chance on ipoker against decent lag

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tough spot in the 200f second chance on ipoker against decent lag

BN: yerlikaya365: 31807
SB: pillow100: 102517
BB: thr0bbbxx: 69343
HJ: g3r4rdOx: 189387
CO: SirNitAlot: 71745
Preflop (3600) (5 Players)
pillow100 was dealt A 9
g3r4rdOx folds, SirNitAlot folds, yerlikaya365 folds, pillow100 raises to 3600, thr0bbbxx calls 2400
Flop (9600) 9 4 T (2 Players)
pillow100 bets 3800, thr0bbbxx calls 3800
Turn (17200) 8 (2 Players)
pillow100 checks, thr0bbbxx bets 9200, pillow100 calls 9200
River (35600) T (2 Players)
pillow100 checks, thr0bbbxx bets 51303, pillow100 folds
Final Pot
thr0bbbxx wins 88103
Hey had a really tough hand last night in the 2nd chance on ipoker this was the exact ft bubble. Villain was very loose aggro had a fair bit of history including a hand he 5bet folded to me, not sure about his preflop range here but i expect it to be wide and I think he would have quite a large 3bet % pre.
Villian seems competent at hand reading. and I wouldn't be suprised if he had a high % of floats and was capable of bluffing this river.
considering my line what do you think his perception of my range is and is he trying to make me fold or get full value from me on the river. also thoughts on turn would be appreciated to cheers,


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Jason Koon 12 years, 3 months ago
I prefer c/c here on the flop, although, c-bet is fine too. It is quite a dirty spot because when we c/c turn we have removed any straight or 2 pair from our range that would continue value betting, as well as most good tens. His river shove is making him pretty polar. I think the worst hand he shoves here for value would be something like J10,Q10,K10 and 67. If he fast plays top pairs and big draws I would find a hero call give that he almost always is raising QJ and Q10+ on flop. 67 or J7 looks like what hes repping and it's pretty hard to have air here but if hes the bananaest of bananas I may flick it in.
Smile 12 years, 3 months ago
I think he can happily shove same hand for value, but still it's not a good river for him to bluff, so i'd expect to see some give ups non 0% of time. You cover him on FT bubble, so if he is not crazy i would fold. Not sure about turn c/c though.
ActionMic 12 years, 2 months ago
I also think once you check the turn you are pretty much check folding. By check calling you are representing what you have or even wxorse (77 at best). Consindering this being the FT bubble, I would have considered a second barrel on the turn.
Grayson Ramage 12 years, 2 months ago
Because your range is pretty capped when you check turn, I would consider calling river since I think he is more likely to barrel off. I do think once the board pairs he is less likely to bluff, so I would lean toward folding.
Grayson Ramage 12 years, 2 months ago
Yes, I do prefer betting turn to checking, it prevents your hand from being turned face-up and you can also get value from all of his draws and pair+draws.
Jarvis Blocker 12 years, 2 months ago
I would check flop and as played I would bet turn but I don't think either are big mistakes at all. I haven't played with him a lot but I think in general I'd call his river bomb on a brick non pairing river since you're pretty capped, but on this particular river when it pairs... guhhhhhh he should be less likely to bluff, but something inside of me still really wants to click the call button. Probably folding this like 80% of the time.

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