Top pair hit on turn facing a check raise deep on Big 27
Posted by ckooper
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Mid Stakes
Top pair hit on turn facing a check raise deep on Big 27
Blinds: t3,000/t6,000 (8 Players)
MP+1: 162,979
CO: 189,883
BN: 70,651
SB: 197,309
BB: 136,635
UTG: 117,914
UTG+1: 198,140
MP: 113,389 (Hero)
CO: 189,883
BN: 70,651
SB: 197,309
BB: 136,635
UTG: 117,914
UTG+1: 198,140
MP: 113,389 (Hero)
Hero is MP with
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ITM with 25 left and 19bb i oppened QTo on MP and get called by big blind
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i cbet small on a dry flop... when he calls i put him con any 9 down to 89o, 67, 68, 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 33 and any overcards with A high
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when i hit the turn i though i was probably had the best hand so i bet almost half pot....and when he check raise all in with 27% pot odds i though that i cannot fold when my hand improves that way
villian had 9Ts
Final Pot
wins and shows two pair, Tens and Nines.
MP lost and shows a pair of Tens.
BB wins 234,278
MP lost and shows a pair of Tens.
BB wins 234,278
Should i fold QTo on mp on the beggining with 19bb?
What can i do when i hit the turn? is there posible a check fold and and losing 50% of my stack and leaving me with 10bb when there is no a pay jump?
I aprecciate all your comments
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I fold that hand pre with 19 bigs, suited suppose we can open, others way disagree with me as you wanna stay aggressive. even if you raise slightly bigger pre V isnt folding 9Ts to your open. I think folding turn would be a mistake coz of all the money out there, I dont actually mind a check back on the turn actually to control pot and call river??.
Fold pre unless you got reason not to imo
I think turn we basically have the best hand nearly always unless villain slowplayed a set, turned 9Ts or ATs. That being said when villain raises you its not looking good.
There are no value hands hes jamming that we are ahead of.
Additionally there are not many draws or natural bluffs possible, A2,A4 can consider calling again. The turn did not bring any flush draws.
So i think we need to fold given the line.
I do like the idea of checking back tho, this is a board you are cbetting allot on, and there are many hands in our range that are not interested in barreling this turn. Given we don't like to bet/stack here i like to put in in my checkback range and call nearly all rivers.
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