Tool/program for running EVs of shoving
Posted by LazySummerDays
Posted by LazySummerDays posted in High Stakes
Tool/program for running EVs of shoving
I play mainly cash so I tend to err in spots where I should 3b/4b jam preflop with shallower stacks.
Is there any program where I could plug in multiple variables and calculate the EV of shoving?
For example, I open 2bb CO, villain 3-bets BTN, blinds fold. There is x amount of money in the pot with blinds and antes, I have y behind and villain covers. Villain 3-bets z% and calls with, let's say, 0,65z. I've done these calculations by hand, but they take quite a long time. I'd prefer more interactive interface where I could see how EV changes when I change stack sizes, villain's 3-betting size, his 3-betting range & 4-bet calling range and our hand (equity) vs him.
Does HEM, FlopZilla or PPT Odds Oracle provide this feature?
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