Too deep to call this?

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Too deep to call this?

Bovada Hand #3372581369: HOLDEM Tournament #9985126 TBL#10, No Limit- Level 5 (50/100) - 2016-04-03 14:55:00

Blinds: 50/100

UTG (6,918 in chips)
UTG+1 (4,051 in chips)
UTG+2 (4,176 in chips)
UTG+3 (3,257 in chips)
UTG+4 (3,035 in chips)
UTG+5 (6,300 in chips)
Dealer (5,400 in chips)
Small Blind (9,705 in chips)
Big Blind [ME] (8,038 in chips)

Hero dealt [9h 7h]
UTG Folds, UTG+1 Call 100, MP1 Folds, MP2 Folds, HJ Folds, CO Call 100, BTN Folds, SB Calls, Hero Checks...

* FLOP * [3h 5d 6h] (400)
SB checks, Hero checks, UTG+1 bets 300, CO calls 300, SB raises all-in to 9605, Hero...

Hand history converter isn't working for me for some reason, but wanted to get some of y'alls opinions. I figured, during the hand, that folding was a pretty easy decision here since we're so deep but I ran some hand combo's on a basic hold 'em calculator and I'm wondering if folding is really as easy as I thought. We're dominated by hands like A4hh (or really any 4Xhh or AXhh hands) but do OK against a lot of other possible hands. I don't really have any reads on Villain, but wouldn't think he shoves Axhh or A4hh but is probably shoving sets (3:2 dog) and 2 pair (flip). I still think that folding is correct because we're so deep but would love to hear some opinions or more in-depth calculations. At what chip stack do we start calling this? Also, in hindsight we should definitely be raising this hand pre-flop.


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pokery 8 years, 11 months ago

What is the Buy in? Definitely a board that hits SB hard. All sets, flush draws, 2 pair, str8 is in his range and he looks really strong here. Some players will raise instead of jamming sets here but still. Also sometime 55 and 66 will ISO hero but he is OOP and dont wanna get backraised and pushed of his hand pre. Easy fold IMO. Also UTG+1 could show up with a decent hand. If this is a re-entry i would call. Also if it is like a small stakes youre playing like 8-15 tables i could probably call here and just fire up the next one if i bust. If he is a small stakes spew fish he can have A6,K6,78,67. But its a fold really without reads. To find out how much equity you have simply plug in ranges of the players and see what you have, then check you pot odds. Then you will quickly find out how short you have to be for it to be a call. CREV is a good tool to run this calc.

Priski 8 years, 11 months ago

Agreed with everything you said here. It was a small buyin, I believe $10. Reading it back through its definitely a fold at this stage. Figured 2 pair was more likely than a set since he just completes behind pre (which, I went back to look at the HH and he had 56o) which is a flip. Sadly, I would've spiked the 8 OTT but we can't be results oriented lol. Thanks for the comment!

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