TAG vs Nit

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TAG vs Nit

When does a TAG become a Nit? Is it a matter of personality (whether you like the person or not)? I ask because there seem to be mature conversations about the value, variance, ROI, etc of playing TAG, whereas being labeled a Nit is like being called a leper. What gives?


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Ondra Machálek 12 years, 3 months ago
I don't really consider the term "Nit" to be offensive or anything like that. It's not about you like the person or not. A nit is simply a player who doesn't bluff or gamble, it's a player who only really puts a lot of chips in the pot with nut type hands.

I personally label people as nits when I see them make for example some really tight just calls on the river or check backs. I wouldn't label anyone as a nit just because he runs like 8/7 over 50 hands, because a) 50 hands is nothing and b) there are times where I play 8/7 or something like that, because my table or stack doesn't allow me to play differently.
Aggro Squid 12 years, 3 months ago
I think it's pretty lame to distinguish between these two titles. However if i was going to explain i'd say a nit is somebody who has a small amount of bluffs in their range, is happy to fold none made hands and will require a strong holding to put his money in post flop. A TAG will be looser post flop as their aggression is higher on later streets however both opening ranges will be similar.

To clarify, i'd say a nit is somebody with a low post flop aggression factor coupled with a tight opening and 3betting range compared to a TAG which has a higher post flop ag factor and a tight opening range.
DirtyD 12 years, 2 months ago
To me, a TAG is someone who plays tight because they believe that's a profitable style, while a NIT is someone who plays tight because they're scared. A tag will still bluff or value bet thinly later in the hand if the situation calls for it, but a nit is just terrified of putting his money in the pot without the nuts.

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