Sunday Warmup, awkward river with T9s in 3bet pot

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Sunday Warmup, awkward river with T9s in 3bet pot

BN: 3673
SB: 25911 (Hero)
BB: 8560
UTG: 44662
UTG1: 38087
UTG2: 8527
LJ: 14062
HJ: 7166
CO: 4713
Preflop (450) (9 Players)
Hero was dealt 9 T
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, UTG2 folds, LJ raises to 600, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to 1690, BB folds, LJ calls 1090
Flop (3830) 4 T 9 (2 Players)
Hero bets 1224, LJ calls 1224
Turn (6278) 4 T 9 4 (2 Players)
Hero checks, LJ checks
River (6278) 4 T 9 4 Q (2 Players)
Hero bets 2943, LJ calls 2943
Final Pot
Hero has 9 T LJ has K Q LJ wins 12284
Villain in this spot seems like a decent reg, he's been pretty active and so have I. I don't recognise him though, so chances are he's a cash reg or some other kind of reg who's playing MTTs because it's a Sunday.

I 3bet pre because T9s is such a great hand and I want to play it, but I don't want to flat. I don't think this is a bad spot for it. On flop, I probably go with that sizing with my entire range. I checked turn because b/c is kinda gross, and I was actually thinking of c/jam as I thought he would bet turn almost always and would call off with some worse hands, but I don't think I like c/r in retrospect. I think c/c is the play on turn. On river, I was pretty sure that he would have bet his floats on turn, so I figured hands like AQ, KQ, QJ were unlikely, making most of his range hands like Tx or 9x, or maybe 77/88. I'm not sure I like my sizing on river, or even if I like my bet at all, because it's kind of a scary card for him so he might not even call with Tx. Not sure about my line here.

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