Sun Million - early - flop decision vs active (but solid) reg

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Sun Million - early - flop decision vs active (but solid) reg

Blinds: t80/t160 (9 Players) BB: 14,070
UTG: 7,838
UTG+1: 10,522
MP: 13,956
MP+1: 9,189
MP+2: 8,993 (Hero)
CO: 18,494
BN: 6,676
SB: 11,245
Preflop (240) Hero is MP+2 with A A
4 folds, Hero raises to 320, CO calls 320, 2 folds, BB calls 160
Flop (1,040) 2 5 6
BB checks, Hero bets 710, CO raises to 1,767, BB folds, Hero
  1. He is a v good, winning reg who has been quite active at the table.
  2. Hero was kicking himself in chat for bluffing a river couple orbits prior bvb, where he hero called a four card flush board w/ dry top pair (pretty easy call). So, minor dynamic.

Given dynamic, I don't think he's ever bluffing this spot obv.

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