Sun 2nd Chance 4 players left - 88 facing 3bet from CL

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Sun 2nd Chance 4 players left - 88 facing 3bet from CL

BB: apalma2156: 2549286
CO: mapof: 1679896
BN: idolaf: 1258008
SB: miraclecake: 1847810
Preflop (75000) (4 Players)
mapof was dealt 8 8
mapof raises to 100000, idolaf folds, miraclecake folds, apalma2156 raises to 260000
Hi guys. This hand took place on last Sunday's Stars 2nd Chance with 4 players left in the tournament.

The villain in this hand (apalma2156) and idolaf are competent regs and haven't done anything out of line so far.

The 4th player (miraclecake) has no clue what he's doing. At this point, miraclecake is limping 40% of hands, defends almost every BB and has been doing it all wrong post flop as well. So clearly me and the other 2 guys have a huge edge on him.

I'm posting the payouts just as extra information.

1st $49.900
2nd $36.700
3rd $27.800
4th $20.000

Considering the table dynamics I described, what is the best play here?


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