stats analysis 36% itm but slightly losing player, what am i missing.
Posted by Standing.Wave
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Low Stakes
stats analysis 36% itm but slightly losing player, what am i missing.
played around 1500 low level tourneys so far , and have been a slight loser. My itm is 36% which would clearly point to me only barely making it into the money and having no chips left. Which is not the case at all as far as i can see :( . I often late reg for tourneys so that might be a reason ?! Or is 1500 simply too little sample size ? Please if anyone can give me pointers it would be highly appreciated :)
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I'm pretty sure high level MTT players are only in the money 16-18% of the time, but when they are ITM, they run super deep and it makes up for it. You should focus less on just trying to cash, and more to win the entire tournament.
1500 is not enough, unless u are playing small field MTTs. There is nothing wrong with trying to cash, you should just make sure you are not overdoing it. You could post some hands you are not sure about when the bubble comes so people can give you advice.
is there some significant statistical value for comparison, something like "BB when reaching the money ranks" or something. I am really baffled by what is happening. This is not me whining, i truly wanna resolve that ;)
Are you just playing on turbo stars?
Play on some other sites with lower field sizes.
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