Small tourney win to go along with an epic week!

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Small tourney win to go along with an epic week!

So I have just really started taking poker serious again about 4 months ago and needless to say all the studying plus sun running is paying off! I've won right at around 4k in the last 3 weeks playing 50NL zone and 100NL regular tables. I have found a couple of whale super table selecting at 200NL very little as well as adding in a couple of good small tourney runs and winning a small one last night... It' been amazing let's just put it that way! . Man it's nice to just run pure for the most part. You'll see at the beginning I had a couple of sharp losses which aren't even big enough samples to be called downswings.. I have been working very hard on my game though so it's always nice when it feels like that is paying off in a such a huge way. Not that it should ever work that way it's just nice when it does haha. I am only able to get in around 400 hands/hr which makes getting my goal of 20k hands not easy. I do work full time, have a 7 year old part time, and am finishing up my accounting degree online so I am pretty dang busy. I'm pretty happy with my results and the fact that I am on pace to hit my hands played goal this month and so far I am winning at a 13.03bb/100! It's the first time I have ever just sat down and said "OK... I am going to play X amount of hands this month." It's very hard to do for someone that has as much as I do going on every single day! I am doing this for my 7 year old little boy though so I can pay for him to go to college one day and for us to be completely out of debt one day in the next 5 years! All this work will pay off in the end if I can stick with it and focus on the goals I will have set in front of me. Man I am so glad to be doing so well when my original goal was to not bust my online roll!! Obviously this will not continue as far as the sun run goes but I am going to enjoy it while it does and hopefully continue to pad my online roll since I keep it separate from my live bankroll. Anyway I just wanted to talk about some of the success this forum brings you when you study what these coaches and people are talking about. I plan on being a little more active in the forums rather than just lurking like I have the last 3 months. Maybe I will even actually subscribe! I want the elite package but I can't pay that much for it knowing I could be paying of this car a little quicker. I may spring for it though! haha
I hope this was the place for this. I don't have to many poker friends who play online in my area so it's always nice to at least share it on here with some other poker players! I also know this is a tiny sample size but this is about just being stoked about the sun run!

Giraffe starting March 1st through this last Saturday and since then I have went on to win another $1100!!!

Small tourney win!

Also quick picture of my hands played and my BB/100

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